Fallen King Headcanons

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× himbo

× is like a dad to the Fallen Guardians

× is the Fallen Guardians' dad

× has reading glasses, fuckin grandmother

× has a rough texture him, something like obsidian. Looks somewhat glossy

× easily distracted

× prefers to keep away from confrontations with other Titans

× scared of pine cones

× "They are nature's worst creations and this world should burn."

× big 😎

× likes the internally angry Molten Boss very much <3

× expert at climbing despite being big enough to just jump over it

× not known for staying put in one place for very long

× needs to constantly be tracked due to usual movement, could basically appear anywhere

× Fallen King?? More like Nap King, he nap

× The two crystal horns are connected to him while the other part of the crown is removable

× more caring about the other Titans, but Void Reaver still has him beat

× basically Gravedigger's dad who am i kidding (any ships i wrote about them do not include relationship canons of mine)

× has a hand print permanently on his ass

× himbo

× doesn't understand why Molten won't love him but will love their adopted mentally ill child

× takes what he can get, even if it's just a glare

× can't purr like the other void titans :,(

× his Fallen Guardians purr for him though. Gather on top of their father in the middle of the night, scatter when he wakes

× is the 'safe parent' which is why he isn't the favorite

× charmed Molten with his excellent flirting skills

× he fell into a pool of lava after accidentally insulting Molten, but he was trying to take it back!

× can't remember any of his past, who he was before was pretty much gone. The king before him basically sold his very existence to win a war

× feels cool to the touch, always keeping a constant cold temperature

× is Molten's cool off when he gets mad mad, let's him hug despite how much it burns. Price for love.

× can't and never will be able to handle technology. it's like giving a grandmother a computer and she gets 27 viruses as soon as she touches it

× himbo

Crafty's TDS Art + Headcanonsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें