Frost Spirit Headcanons

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you can request what characters i should make headcanons on

this is probably my favorite TDS boss, bye Penumbras

× Is very bird like, he even came from an egg.

× He was put in the Frost Deminsion to keep him safe, but it ended as his prison.

× Doesn't get interaction with other intelligent lifeforms, so very self kept and not very good at communication with others. Very literate and chatty to himself though!

× Very bird like, being trapped alone didn't help suppress it. Can make various bird sounds, mostly that of a song bird, and can communicate with creatures like Ducky D00m.

× When in extreme emotions (sadness, anger, happiness, etc.) it can be heard very quietly that he makes cooing sounds like of a pigeon. He also does this if curious.

× Likes to squat on high places like the top of a couch, much like a bird would when perching. He can kinda move around things like Peter Pan with his unnatural weightless like ability.

× Yes, he does molt. It's a horrible pain to clean up as he gets it every where. You'd be finding feathers in your fridge! However, they are very pretty and glittery, like freshly fallen snow!

× He's a bit different, as his feet are like talons. Not exactly like a bird's, he has paw like feet with that extra toe on the inside. Semi-long talons can cause serious issues if he decides to kick you.

× Despite being more suited for the cold, he does enjoy cozy warmth when offered. So he'd be snuggled close to you under the blanket.

× He loves playing in the snow when no one is looking. Be it burying himself or rolling around in it, he always comes back covered in packed snow.

× He can't open the Frost Deminsion portal. Only Krampus and the Towers know how to do it.

× He could probably pull off anything in heals, way more than what your middle aged mom can.

i will come back and update this when i have a hc pop up

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