Chapter 35

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Sorry to interrupt, dear readers, but I'm very pleased to announce that ACOB has won Second Place in the Fanfiction genre of the Nouvel An awards [hosted by @marina_swampert] !!

I also have a note at the end about my appalling upload schedule, so please read on for that announcement x


"He what?!"

Heat rose immediately to Fiona's cheeks, unbidden but not unwarranted. She stiffened as passing shoppers paused by the pair, squawking in the middle of the Palace of Thread and Jewels. "Bella-"

The Illyrian's eyes were wide as saucers. "Are you telling me Xander kissed you?"

Fiona sent a silent prayer to the Mother, feeling the stares of the onlookers burn hotter than a Summer Court Sunday on her back. "No, that is not what I'm telling you," she hissed, steering her friend off the cobbles toward a tailor's storefront. "I thought that was where it was going, but..."

Bella leaned back against the glass with a knowing look. "But then he did a Xander," she finished, sympathy flashing in her grey eyes. "I should've known."

Fiona's confusion was momentarily diverted as a set of shimmering ballgowns in the shop nextdoor caught her eye. This was what they were here for - among discovering Fiona's bare wardrobe, Bella had frogmarched her down to Velaris proper to hunt out a suitable dress for their visit to the Hewn City. But as her attention snagged on the swathes of glimmering fabric and accompanying jewels within the store, Fiona found it something of an effort to focus as her friend went on about the Prince and his aversion to romance.

"He does this thing, Fiona-" she was saying, her fingers gliding over racks of crushed velvet capes. "He seizes up in the heat of the moment, remembers he's supposed to be this silent second son who looks but never touches."

That sounds about right, grumbled Fiona internally.

"For all his gentlemanly manners, my cousin can be a right useless sod," Bella sighed, prompting a surprised snort. "He just needs a bit of a push sometimes. He won't go unless he's given a clear signal, if you catch my drift." She offered Fiona a wink as she choked on her chuckle.

"I wasn't trying to say that I-" she spluttered. "Well I- Look, I'm not interested!"

"Right," she smirked. "And I'm the Queen of Vallahan." Her gaze wandered to a particularly flamboyant shirt, turning to admire the embellishment...exposing a pair of thimble sized bruises on her neck in doing so.

Fiona leaped at the opportunity the bruises presented her. "And what about you, hm?" She teased. "What rugged hunk gave you these?" She seized Bella, trying to hold her in place for a better look at the lovebites, barely catching a glimpse before the warrior shrugged her off.

"Someone from Rita's."

"And does this handsome stranger have a name?" Fiona batted her lashes with coquettish glee, following her friend over toward the rows of lace and straps that made up the lingerie section. Bella looped a finger through a scarlet garter belt and raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure you could call her handsome," she replied, running her thumb over the material. "Though she did have rather broad shoulders."

Fiona blinked once before frowning. "You was a woman?"

Bella's smile was gentle, the kind you might give to a toddler working their way through an especially tricky puzzle.

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