Chapter 33

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The silver outline of Velaris winked back at them in the darkness, its silhouette little more than shadow but for the light of the crescent moon. It seemed as though the whole city was waiting with bated breath; Fiona could hear all the way to the distant coastline, where waves were lapping gently against the docks.

The House of Wind was just as silent. Its many balconies, strewn across the cliff face, supported quiet clusters of onlookers and partygoers, leaning against the railings and peering up at the sky.

Fiona followed their gazes, frowning. "What are they waiting for?"

Xander said nothing, his eyes trained on the heavens as though afraid the stars themselves might hear him, and remain stubbornly rooted to their post above Velaris. Fiona tucked her arms in as the frigid night wind brushed across her bare shoulders. She had half a mind to force an answer out of the silent Prince, or else stomp back inside where it was warm. 

But then it started.

It began with a single star - a shimmering bolt of light that shot suddenly out of the endless midnight blue above them. Utterly spellbound, Fiona she watched it soar through the night, careening toward the sea. Then another appeared - and another, and another, until there was a shower of stars arcing overhead in a glorious symphony of celestial triumph. Without thinking, Fiona reached for them, the child within her overcome by the desire to catch one as they whizzed by, just out of reach.

"We don't celebrate Nynsar in the Night Court, because it coincides with our most important festival - Starfall." Xander was looking across to the other balconies, where the guests had begun to whoop and cheer. "Once a year, thousands of spirits pass over the city in this sort of migration pattern."

Fiona reluctantly tore her attention away from the heavenly display. "They're not stars?"

Xander shook his head, turning back to face her. "No one is quite sure what they are, but if you look closely..."

She followed the finger he stretched out into the night, squinting to try and catch more than a fleeting glimpse of the spirits. He was right, she realised - the falling stars weren't silver, they were all sorts of faint colours that glowed in the dark. Pale greens and blues and soft yellows that didn't plummet the way a fallen star might - they were soaring, flying with purpose over the city, as though they saw their audience and delighted in them, twirling and spinning through the velvety night. 

An overwhelming feeling of joy came upon Fiona and she laughed. Xander turned in surprise, but she was too busy watching the spirits to hear the way his heart pounded when she flung herself against the railing. 

"I love this city!" she screamed into the night, hearing the faintest echo of her voice against the red rock cliffs as a tremendous cheer arose from the streets below. Fiona's grin was wide enough to ache as she extended a hand to the stars, her heart soaring with them through the constellations. Though her traitorous body kept her rooted to the ground, she longed to be among them, to touch them-

Fiona let out a squeak of surprise as something splattered against the base of her neck. 

"What was that?"

Xander's laugh was warm as the spirit trickling down her spine. "Your very own falling star." He stepped closer, reaching to wipe the splatter away. Fiona wasn't sure if it was the thrill of the moment or the feeling of his fingers on her bare back that made her stop him.

"Leave it," she ducked away, turning to face Xander's bemused smile. "It's going to reach your dress," he remarked, watching the iridescent green sheen drip a path towards the hem of her ballgown.

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