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I was half asleep as i felt a pair of strong muscular arms wrap its self more securely around my waist pulling me towards him, i smiled as i turned around so our chests were firmly pressed together i smiled as i opened my eyes looking into the bright green ones staring back at me with a cheeky grin plastered on his face,

"Good morning beautiful" Harry said, he still had his raspy morning voice that made me melt,

"Good morning" I smiled as i kissed him smiling into it as we pulled away,

"You're a beautiful sleeper" He winked knowing that he had kept an ugly photo of me sleeping on his phone when i passed out sprawled all over the sofa, when i returned from my trip to Alabama i went straght to Harry's house and jet lagg took over me.

"I hate you" I scowled as he laughed,

"You're adorable when you try and be angry with me" Harry said as he walked over to the bedroom door,

"I might release that photo of you sleeping.." He trailed off as i looked at him, shooting daggers at him,

"You wouldn't" I said, as he went out the room with a smirk on his face, I quickly got out of our double bed and went running after him, the only problem was this house was huge so it took a while to find him, once i found him with his phone in his hand in the living room he showed me the picture of me sleeping, He smirked as i ran over to him but he ran away, he's long legs had an advantage plus he was a fast runner.

"Give me back that phone" I yelled as he continued to run,

"Oh should i post it to twitter..?" He was yelling i could tell there was a smirk on his face, He finally stopped so we were at opposite ends of the kitchen island,

"You dare Styles" I looked at him,

"I think i dare" He smiled back as he looked down at his phone, clicking the button that said 'Send picture to twitter' While he was looking away i took this to my advantage and jumped on his back, so he fell to the floor as it was unexpected, he dropped his phone in the process and i grabbed it.

Harry turned around so i was looking at his face, he laughed as he looked at me,

"What's so funny? I won" I smiled proud of myself,

"Like i would leak the picture, i like the position we're in by the way" He smiled as he winked at me,

"I know you wouldnt leak the picture, i have the one of you in Niall's mankini i could leak anyway" I smiled down at him, as he went all serious,

"Like you would dare" He scowled,

"As a smart mouth once said, i think i dare" I smirked,

"Okay enough of this, we could do this all day, go get dressed we're going for a picnic" He smiled as we stood up,

"Okay then, see you soon" I smiled as i had a shower and got changed into a floral summer dress, curled my hair and put on some makeup and my daisy sandals,

"How do i look" I said as i twirled around,

"Stunning as per usual" He smiled as he went to change, he came out in black skinny jeans and a white v neck, 

"Ah gone for the usual Harry look i see" I said as i winked at him,

"Well lets face it i look sexy" He said as he done a weird dance that caused me to giggle,

"C'mon beautiful" He said as he grabbed my hand and led me to the car as we drove to the park.


We sat underneath a beautiful oak tree, on a checkered picnic blanket with food set up all around us,

I looked at the grapes then smiled, I threw one at Harry

"Oh your on" He smiled as he grabbed some strawberrys, and we had a food fight, we were covered in strawberrys and grapes and whipped cream, we smiled at eachover and began laughing at how goofy we looked,

The sprinklers came on as we laughed at how cheesy this was, we started dancing around as he stopped me,

"Abie?" Harry asked,

"Harry?" I mimicked him, as i smiled

"How long have we been dating?" He asked, as he smiled at me,

"Two years and 3 months i think" As i smiled,

"Well i loved every moment with you, would you do me the honour, in being called my wife?" He smiled as he got down on one knee pulling out a ring, i gasped as i registered what he was doing,

"Harry, a million times yes" I smiled as he got up and pulled me into a big bear hug as i smiled with tears running down my cheeks as he released me and slid the ring onto my finger,

At this moment and when i started dating Harry, i felt infinate.


Okay this story was for a lose i know called Abie, ;)

If you want one done please fill in the infomation below and comment, thanks :)


Age in story:

Boy you want:

Setting (Romantic, cute etc):

What you look like:


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