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I awoke at 9am due to my front door being banged down by someone outside,

"I'm coming, i'm coming" You yelled as yu made your way to the front door still half asleep, 

"Kathryn!" Your best friend Eleanor yelled as you both engulfed eachother in a huge hug,

"Eleanor! I missed you" You said with tears in your eyes, you havent seen eachother in about a year.

"I missed you too Kat!" El said with tears in her eyes, 

"What brings you here?" I question,

"Well since you're my all time best friend i thought that today you shall meet my boyfriend...Louis" Eleanor half smiled knowing i didnt like One Direction, especially the people in them.

"Do i have too?" I whined as i walked over to the couch and plopped myself down,

"I want you to meet him, i know you dont like them but please, he wants to meet you too" El begged as she came as sat beside me,

"For you i guess i will" I sighed as El cheered, i got up and walked over to my room with Eleanor following closely behind me.

"Can i help you?" I laughed as Eleanor went straight over to my closet ad started throwing clothes everywhere,

"I want you to look nice so go have a shower whilst i find your outfit" She laughed as i went to go and have a shower,

When i came out there was an outfit layed out on my bed, there were red jeans, a black laced blouse with a black blazer ontop, with some small boot/heels to complete the look,

"She definatly knows my style" I laughed out loud as i got changed then put on some mascara, eyeliner, and lipgloss.

I came out my room and twirled,

"How do i look then?" I said as Eleanor looked me up and down,

"Fantastic of course! Now come onn!" She said dragging me out of my apartment,


It took about 20 minutes to drive to where Louis lived, me and Eleanor chatted aimlessly about things we had done, once we got outside Louis' apartment, Eleanor switched off the ignition and turned to look at me,

"Okay so don't hate them okay i know you hate the band but they are genuraly nice guys" She said, and i looked questionally at her,

"Guys? I thought it was just Louis" I said getting out of the car and heading to the door, El close by myside, knocking on the door,

"Oh yeah i forgot to mention, Louis band is here as well" She smiled as i stared at her in shock horror,

Just then the door opened and there was no escape, and the boy who stood their i presumed to be Louis stood their smiling as he looked at El then looked at me,

"And who might you be" He said as he invited us in,

"Kathryn, or Kat whatever you prefer" I said walking in to the huge apartment where 4 other boys sat on te sofa watching tv, i just looked around seeing the living room, kitchen and glass stairs where i presumed the bedroom and bathroom was.

"Ah Eleanors best friend i take it, it's glad to finally meet you!" He said as he hugged me,

"I wish i could say the same" I said under my breath which i'm sure Louis didnt hear but Eleanor gave me a 'shut the fuck up' look.

"Guys i would like to introduce my best friend Kat!" Eleanor said as the 4 other boys all turned around and glanced at me, i stood their awkwardly, what do i do? I just waved,

"Kat this is Zayn, Liam, Harry and Niall" El said pointing to each of the boys who came up and gave me a hug, 

The Harry boy was last i knew what they were all like, and Harry was the flirt,

"You look gorgeous" He wispered in my ear as we hugged, i just scoffed earning a hurtful look from Harry.

Just then Eleanor said that me and her needed to have a talk in the bathroom, well looks like i really pissed her off this never happened,

"What do you think you're doing?!" She practically screamed at me, her hands flying up in the air,

"What did i do?!" I said,

"Scoffing at Harry, you know how hurt he looked?! Are you even making an effort?!" She said, I sat down on the toilet seat, sighing,

"You know he reminds me of Darren" I said putting my head in my hands, Darren was my ex boyfriend, he had green eyes, and brown curly hair much like Harry and he was a flirt as well, he resembled Harry so much, and one day i found him in a bar with another girl, because he was drunk he confessed that it happens all the time, leaving me in heartache.

"I know he does but Harrys differant to that dick!" Eleanor said lightly rubbing my back,

"The look exactly the same and are both known as the flirt, they could be twins" I said looking at her,

"Give him a chance please?" Eleanor asked which i relunctantly agreed too, so we exited the bathroom back into the living room where all the boys were,

"You alright love?" Harry asked as i sat down next to him,

"Im fine thanks," I smiled back at him, Eleanor better appriciate this,


Over the next 2 hours we were all having a laugh about silly thing, maybe El was right they arnt as bad as i think,

"Right i think we need to get Kat home" Eleanor said standing up,

"Before you go, dinner tonight at 8?" Harry said,

I just stood there unknown of what to do,

"She'd love too" Eleanor answered as i stared at her, did i want to go?

"Great see you tonight Harry said kissing my hand as i left and was driving home with El,

I was still unsure, was it a dinner as friend's? But something in my gut was saying that it would turn into something else.


This was my One shot for Kathryn i hope you liked it :) 

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