Breath in 4s, hold it 4s breath out 8s.

My eyes must be filled with panic when I look over to him. He gives me a shy nood, which makes his curles fall a little in his eyes. I close mine and start to breath in for four seconds. When my lungs are filled with oxygen I hold it for another four seconds. Then I open my eyes and breath out and lot the air out of my lungs for 8 seconds. I repeat this procedure until I feel how my body calms down. But I need to keep going for a while before I can fully concentrate on the topic of the lecture. Soon after it's coming already to an end. "Thank you for your time. I have a little announcement before you go. This might be bad news to you but please consider it as a safety measure. This will be your last class on campus for at least this year. From now on until the situation is safer again your lectures will be online. This starts right now so if you have anymore lectures today they will be virtually. You should find all the informations on you timetable on the website. But please don't stop working hard, I still search for the best of you to be tutored by me. Thank you. " She closes her laptop and packs her things. It seems like something is bothering her then she is looking up again." Mrs Winter, please stay after class." My heart sinks and my eyes search for help around the room and only find Sue's." Don't worry you will be fine" she strokes my arm softly. "I will wait outside" She winks with a comforting smile and walks out with actually everyone. The group of mean girls leave without even bothering to look at me, which I consider a blessing. With my bag over my shoulder I head over to Mrs Stanley, who sat down at her desk. "Please" she points at the chair on the opposite of the table. I sit down messaging my hands nervously. Her eyes lay softly on me. "Alright Mrs Winters" she starts but I interrupt. "Anna please ma'am." She smiles softly and continues. "Alright Anna, as you might know I am responsible for this course as the head of it. It's been brought to my attention that you actually have some well-known friends. And you don't need to comment on anything obviously, but we have the worry that some people will transfer the rumors from the internet around you and your person to the real you. We want to protect you at all our cost. Your future here is the most important and I personally see great potential in you.So if there is something the University can do for you please don't hesitate to come forward to me." I need to swallow hard at her words. It's actually ironic that she is bringing it up right after the incident with the mean girl group." I really appreciate that Ma'am."She nods." Good. I look forward to see great things in the future from you. " she stands up with an relaxed smile. It honors me, that such a personality actually thinks good about me. I wish her a good day before heading outside where Sue is waiting alongside the boy with the thick curls. "You alright?"  she pulls me close to her. I smile "Yeah it's fine." Sue points next to her. "This is Ben by the way." "Pleasure. Thanks for the advice earlier. It truly helped" He nods smirking " I struggled with anxiety in past a lot, glad I could help." The three of us start to walk out of the campus talking about the news Mrs Stanley delivered to us. When we arrive at the parking lot we look back at the building. We wouldn't see that for a while now. But I was kinda excited to not heading back there soon. The morning showed me, that I couldn't expect that the changes in my life don't effected me in the uni. Besides that I could spend more time abroad traveling with the people I really want to spend time with. A little smirk appears my face when we stand there in silence, sometimes the bad news turn out to be great news. "Shall we grab a late breakfast?" I turn to my two fellow classmates. They nod and we head to our Cafe from the first week. The place in the back is not taken so we sit down there. Ben tells us a lot about him. He is actually Irish and grew up on a little farm. His big dream is his own organic supermarket without any plastic and stuff. Back at Ireland his family has such a shop in their village but he wants to use his skill to turn it to a huge business that's why he does this training. He is rather shy but seems super nice. Sue is laughing from her heart at some of his jokes. The three of us form a great group. I take a look at my phone. Daniel should be home quiet soon so I should go as well. "Daniel is coming home soon, I should keep going" I smile and wave for the bill. "Is he your boyfriend" Ben asks. Sue and I start laughing. "No just my roommate." He nods. We actually all leave the Cafe after paying. Ben needs to go a different direction so us girls say our goodbyes. "He is sweet" Sue whispers while we slowly walking back to the parking lot, the sun is burning hot on our skin. I nod "Indeed" "I feel bad for not stepping in earlier, but I was o shocked what Bella said" So this girls name is Bella. But there is nothing pretty about her. "Don't worry. I was stunned as well" Sue strokes my arm again. "Fortunately we don't have to see them again for a few months." I nod "That's true". "Have you seen the press stuff already?" Sue whispers and my heart sinks again. What in the world possibly have I done now to drawn the attention to me again. By my face Sue assumes that I haven't and pulls her phone out. She shows me multiple pictures of me in Zandvoort. In one I hold the little Luka in my arm while the little hands of the boy are deep into Landos curles. It's actually a very sweet picture. A soft smile is on my face when I look at it, the next picture is with Daniel's arm around my shoulder in his lion cape. We both laugh ridiculously hard in that photo, it was right before the drivers parade. The last couple of pictures are from the situation with Lando. His hands carefully opening my belt while I look down at him, I notice how intimate this moment seems. Another one shows him holding my fries while I take a bite from the stroopwaffel. It seems so genuine and good these picture. "So what are they saying" I mumble staring at the phone. "Mostly rumors of whom you actually date now" I roll my eyes. "Jesus Christ. I am tired of this" Stressed I look around, is somebody here now as well taking pictures? "Let me help you." Sue grabs my hand. "You could use a friend now more than ever. I know what I do. With my skills we turn your social media around. Let me manage you" I stare at her speechless. Actually I don't hate the idea.

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