18. Go Chelsea!

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I gag while the nurse in front of me puts the test thing in the back of my mouth. Tears fill my eyes with the uncomfortable touch of the testingtool. It's the day of the final and I am here to keep my promise. What ever it is between Mason and I, I am enjoying it.
So here I am in Porto on my own in the hotel to get tested for covid one more time before I get the green light to support Mason. And Chelsea of course.
"We will send you the results in a few hours time" the nurse says with a heavy portuguese accent. I nod at her "Thanks" She packs up her things and leaves my room. It is a bit colder then in Monaco but not less beautiful. Being trapped in the hotel room till I get the results is not ideal, but let's make the best out of it. It is time to start getting slowly ready for tonight. I jump under the shower. With a towel on my head and wrapped around my body I slip out of the gorgeous bathroom and head to the bed. I lay out the outfit for tonight. It's an easy choice. Just the kit with his name on the back and white jeans. Because I loved to get all out I paint my nails in white and creating little strips in blue, on my ringfigers I paint a 19. This takes me way to long. But the result is amazing. I grin down on my nails, this is going to be such a good night. I wrap things up with a quick and easy makeup, blow-dry my hair. When the hotel phone rings I scroll through my TikTok. "Hello?" "Mrs Winter? Sorry to disturb you. The results are here, you've been tested negative. When you leave the hotel you can pick up a printed version of the document at the frontdesk. But we've been informed that the results have been already transferred to the officials. We wish you a good evening."" Thank you", it is a relief. I was quite certain that I have no covid but to hear it from to professional side made me feel better.

Stepping in the room filled with family members and friends of the Chelsea players makes me nervous. I know practically no one and someone here is Masons Mum and someone his dad. I look around with big eyes. It's gorgeous. Through the huge glaswindow I can see the pitch, where the final will take place. My heart beats fast I am really nervous. Not only because meeting his parents but also for tonight. I want them to win. I don't care about the medal or the title, I care about that Mason could possible achieve his dream. After texting him a good luck message with a picture of myself in his kit I received just a "Love it!" from him. Firstly I was confused but then the realisation hit, that he had bigger things in mind than to text me a long message. He knows I am here, that is all what matters.

"Would you like a glass of champagne?" a waitress with long silk blonde hair smiles at me, at least I think so, I can't really see her expressions behind that mask. "Of course we take a glass, thanks" Sophia appears next to me and snatches a glass of the tray. I do her likewise and smile to the waitress. "Thanks". The girlfriend of the young german player walks through the room, greets a few people on her way and finally stops in front of the glasswindow. I followed her not knowing what else I should do here. "They will write history today" she whispers with her eyes fixed on the pitch. "Cheers to that" I raise my glass after a moment of silence. I just hope she is right. We both take a sip of that bubbly alcohol which runs down my throat with leaving a warm trait. "You passed the test didn't you?" Sophia starts the conversation. "Yeah.. I guess so. Can't say I was happy about all that." Speaking of the devil I can see the face of Dan in the back of the crowd. Our eyes lock and he raises his glass with a light smile at me. I choose to ignore him. Actually I don't have a choice because a couple appears next to us. They now have my full attention.

"You wearing my son's number on your back, darlin" the woman smiles at me. She seems sweet. Her eyes are shining in honesty and excitement. Her husband on her side is taller then her but his smile not less bright. "I will leave you guys alone. Excuse me" Sophia says politely with a smile and goes her way. Now I am on my own. "Mrs Mount it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Anna." I reach out with the hand that is not holding the glass. My voice is a little shaky, I am nervous. I can feel the heat on my cheeks. With a bright smile I try to look as nice as possible. It is important to me that they like me and have a good impression of my behavior. "Oh please sweetheart it's Debbie for you" she laughs and closes me into her arms. She rubs my back in a caring way. "You look lovely I must admit." she whispers in my ear. "Thank you" my cheeks should be as red as a strawberry by now. I am flattered and a little relieved it's going that well. The tension of my body relief by her hug and I can take a deep breath. Her letting me go is the signal for Masons father to close me in his arms. "I am Tony" "Hey Tony, I am Anna" It's nerve-racking to actually meet them. Not only it's a big step to meet someones parents but it's also the first time I do this.
After pulling out of the hug I don't know what to do. Luckily Debbie is here to save the day. "So Anna how are things? Mason told us a bit about you. You just finished your bachelor right?" I nod "Indeed I did. I got my degree a few weeks ago." "And you want to study further? " "Oh yeah absolutely. I love studying. My master will start in October so I have the whole summer off to actually live for a bit" They nod. "What will your Master course be?" Tony asks while taking a sip from his glass. "Brand Communications" I smile. He seems genuinely interested. "Impressive Stuff Anna!" My chest swells in pride. "Thanks" "And you will be with Mason for the world cup?" Debbie smiles at me. "Actually we didn't discussed it yet. But I would be more than happy to support him, but I also have made some promises to my best friend to support him." "Oh no worries honey, it's good to do something with your friends. But we would obviously be absolutely delighted to have you with us for some games."She rubs my arm while winking at me. It's a relief that Masons parents are just as lovely as him. Tony looks down at his watch on his wirst."They will warm up in a second. We should head outside." Debbie takes his arm and is ready to walk out. I excuse myself and stay behind. There is something I need to do before heading out. I watch the others making their way to the stands, ready to watch the team warm up. With the room getting emptier I get my phone out of my pocket. It needs to be done before I go out there. Before the world knows. I open Instagram and click on my DMs. Besides some random ones and one from Daniel is the text I fear a little at the moment. The text from Lando. This curly haired guy who kissed me a couple of days ago reached out. And honestly my head turns when I think about the kiss. It was so full of emotions but yet so wrong. A deep breath later I click on it and the chat opens. Four words appear on my screen. These four are enough to make me tear up. A sad smile appears on my face. The thought of what could've been appears in my head and I like it way too much. It hurts that he is hurt. He just deserves the absolute best and I can't give him that.  "The teams start to warm up Ma'am" a waiter appears next to me and brings me back to reality. I look at him with glanced eyes. He just gets a nod from me. I fear that if I would say something my voice would break. My eyes are wandering back to his text.

I am sorry Anna!

Just four simple words that a have a huge meaning. It is sad that the situation is like this but Mason is out there right now waiting for me. We will make it public today. If once going out there I probably don't have the chance to get out of here. Fast I swipe away the tear on my cheek. My fingers find the way on the screen and start to type.

I am sorry too Lando

I mean it from my bottom of my heart. I truly am sorry what went down between us. And I am also sorry about choosing Mason over him. I just pray this is the right decision. My phone slides back in my pocket and I make my way outside. After finding my seat between Debbie and Sophia, Sophia takes my hand. "You alright? Did you cry?" I try to keep my face as straight as possible without showing any emotion. "Just something in my eye" She doesn't respond to that but keeps on squeezing my hand. She knows something is not ok. But my focus is on the players on the pitch. When my eyes finally find Mason they lock with his. A smile grows on his face, showing his dimples. His contagious smile gets also my lips moving into one. He is such a good, positive guy. For a moment the F1 driver disappears out of my mind. The vibration of my phone makes me end out little bubble moment. I quickly check my message.

I will not give up.

Hope you enjoyed this one!

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