2. Goodbyes

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It is time to say goodbye to my best buddy. But luckily not for too long. In just two weeks time I am gonna visit Mick in Monaco for the race. So the pain in my heart of not seeing my best friend for a while is not that bad. We had worse times not seeing each other for months.

"Thank you for being with me for the big day. Be safe alrighty?" I hug the blond men, who just opened the door of my apartment with packed bags ready to leave. "Of course Anna! I will always be there for you. I am excited for you to come to Monaco tho. It will be the first time you will be with me for an F1 race", his eyes sparkle while talking about his job. "So am I. I will cheer you on! Will Justine be there as well?" "I think so yeah." "Oh good, haven't seen her in ages! Give her my best wishes!" "Sure thing." He places a little kiss on my scalp. Easy for him, he was a head taller then me. I enjoyed the little moment of intimate contact. It shows he truly cares. Just what I need in a friend.
Justine can be so lucky that he fell in love with her. He is one of the few good ones.
I always liked the gorgeous Norwegian girlfriend of his. She was very kind and understands the relationship between us two. Zero Jealousy. Never had a problem with her. Which I expected to be honest but I was even happier for him he found someone who accepted us two. Selfish I know... But I am just glad everything is working out perfectly fine.
"okay you will miss your flight. Go now Mick. I will see you in a few weeks. Say hello to your parents from me and text me when you board alright?" "Will do", another little hug later he disappeares in the elevator of my apartment building. Giving me a little wave before the doors shut in front of him.

I close my apartment door again. It is so empty. It reminds me of the time I moved in. I just turned 17 and my mother just passed away after long weeks fighting cancer in the hospital. It was a long fight she lost.
The last month been so stressful I hadn't time to think about her that much. Lots of people from uni stayed here for late nights of studying and writing on the bachelor thesis, my sister moving in after a breakup and out again to rekindle her weird relationship and then Mick stayed here for a few days.
Now I am on my own again. Weird. What now? I have nothing to do. The feeling is quite unknown to me. I always find something that I can do.
But this time I decided to take the summer off and just enjoy myself. My master will start in autumn so I have plenty of time to live life to the fullest.
The Euros are around the corner so that will be fun as well. Lots of games will be in my chosen hometown London, so I expect big parties and pub nights. Well.. Of course just whatever will be allowed due to Corona.
I fall on the couch and reach out for my phone. Let's waste some time on all the socials. Haven't done this in ages. It wouldn't be a shame, the weather is truly english today.
I swipe through Instagram. Liking a few postings. Sending some funny things to a couple of people and do the things you do on Instagram.
I just wanted to lock my phone to get up and make some lunch when a text appears on the screen.

Heyyy babes, fancy a party?

Heyaa. What a silly question. Of course I am! When? Where? Who will be there?

Good! I need moral support! It will be at a friend's house of Declan tonight. I think lots of footballers.... Maybe a hottie for u? 🤭

Could be fun.. Can you guys pick me up on the way?

It's quite close to you in Chelsea.. So no worries we got you. Will be there around 9 ❤️

So this would be a perfect start for a great summer. Lauren just knows when she is needed.

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