" Lucius ? " asked Narcissa shocked as we turn around and I started praying that Draco isn't going to ruin everything. Lucius stand up tensed but like he was desperate to tell something, something that made him felt bad or sad.

" Father ? What are you doing here ? " asked Draco serious making a step foward but I held his hand and drag him back.

" Ask your girlfriend " said Lucius smiling at me as Draco wanted to walk to him but I step in front of him.

" I invite our fathers because this meeting is important fro both of us and I think they deserve to know too. 

" Fine " said Draco angry but I couldn't explode more then I was of exitement, I kissed his cheek then jump.

" Alright, let's eat ! My mother made a lot of things " I said as the others nodded and came with me Ball room but Draco and Lucius didn't move.

Draco POV 

" Draco, look..." said my father but I cut him off.

" No, you are lucky it was Michelle here but if she wasn't you were a dead man " I said turning red as he looked down and I didn't know what to do, to cry or to smile that he's feeling bad.

" Look, I'm sorry for what I did but it's been almost 3 years, I've changed " he said but I didn't believe.

" I'll believe you when my mother is going to say that you've changed " I said then walk in the ball room with him and next to Elle.

With time I calmed down and feel much better, my mother and Michelle's didn't stop talking and laugh at Professor Snape's jokes along with Chris.

" How are the parties at Hogwarts now ? " asked my mother us and Michelle stared blushing ad I wanted to hide my smirk.

" Well I remember that my first party that I went with Michelle was in the third year and that's when we met Blaise " said Pnasy smiling as I nodded.

" I knew him before you but I still remember that party. It was chill, we didn't drink we didn't smoke of course because we were 12-13 but still it was really nice " said Draco taking a sip of my wine then laugh at my face.

" Great times, great music also " I said rasing my eyebrows to my mother.

" How was yours ? " asked Pansy curious holding Blaise hand. The I saw Narcissa looking at Lucius and blush and I didn't know what to think, it is good or bad ? 

" Well our first party was at fifteen, I remember how Ella was freaking out because she never been to a party in her all life then " said Narcissa and my mother started laughing looking at Snape as he nodded.

" The music was great, girl on the tables and everyone was smoking and drinking " said my mother as Lucius, Narcissa and my father started laughing along with Snape.

" How you met, all 4 ? " I asked and I knew it wasn't a good question but I want to know.

" Well, Narcissa and I were sleeping in the same room so do Lucius with Chris and we met at this first party " said my mother as they nodded smiling.

" And at first I didn't like them but in time we became bestfriend and somehow me and Chris fell in love so Narcissa and Lucius " said my mother with a sad face.

" Don't you want to stop this war ? I know they made a lot of mistakes but it been years and honestly I'm tired to be an enemy for them. " I said but for seconds no one said something.

" I don't think we can after what happened " said Narcissa looking down and Draco started being angrier and angrier till I took his hand.

" Look, soon it will be a massive war and we don't know if we're going to survive till the end so what's the point ? Yeah, it was big mistakes in this life but let's forget it and stay together. " I said taking Draco's hand and Pansy took his hand and Blaise's too, Blaise took my mother's hand then it was Narcissa's turn to take Lucius's hand along with my fathers.

" Come'on Narcissa, I promise it's going to be alright. Trust me all of you ! " I said smiling as Narcissa let out a sigh and grab smiling Lucius's hand and I started giggling looking at Draco and nod that it was the moment to speak up.


" Mother, we still have to projector ? " I asked as she nodded so I went and took it along with Draco who helped me and as we were preparing to show them the surprise Narcissa asked.

" Draco, would you tell about how you and Michelle are still together, Chris and Lucius must be curious, right ? "asked Narcissa my father and Lucius. Draco looked me and I nodded that he could let me fix it and he could tell them our story.

" Well as everyone knows, we met at 5 and been bestfriends till our 3rd year because that's when we confess to each other and give a chance. The 3rd and the fourth year were amazing till the Yule Ball because I did something stupid like cheat even I knew I had a wonderful person next to me. After 8 months of thinking when we went to our fifth year I didn't stop trying to get her back and somehow she came back, and in that summer I became cold and also a death eater. In the 6th year Elle became a death eater for me and we both had to kill Dumbledore " he said but his voice started shacking and he stopped for 1 minute.

" And we've been through many night with fights, or night we cried on each others shoulder and I don't think I can't find in this life someone better then she is " He said then looked at my red eyes from crying.

" Elle, can you let me something ? " he said and I nodded and sit on the couch but he wasn't going to put the photo.

" Let's watch " he said making a spell that turn off all the light and a video started on the panel and immediately I covered my mouth as I saw 2 people on a land full with flowers looking at each other.

" And if we are here let me keep my promise, if we won't made it till the end I will still love you till I'll die too " said Draco in that video, he had hide a camera that recorded his propose. Narcissa covered her mouth along with my mother not believing what was happening as he asked me in I will marry him then they started crying as the video end with the photo he took of me showing the ring and it was really a big surprise, even for me.

I got up to close the video as Draco came next to me and kissed my head as Narcissa started crying super loud but laughing too.

" Oh I knew it ! " said Narcissa getting up to hug Draco tight as my father came to hug me too and I accept it. Then my mother hugged me along with Severus and told me to love him for the rest of my life because he has a big heart.

" Son ? " asked Lucius taking out his hand waiting that Draco would shake it and he did with a small smile on his face but it faded away quickly. 

A/N : Hello there, I know I'm a bit late and I am sorry but high school is not that really easy. I really hope you liked this chapter and sorry if I made some mistakes also I may be not post the next chapter because I'g going to edit the chapters I've write at the beginning of this book cause' they are really bad. Love you <3

~ Miky Nx ~

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