Madeleine x Espresso [P.4]

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The next chapter is going to be the return of Earl Grey x Raspberry Mousse. I am also adding memes to each chapter now.

This is more of just a bonding session between Espresso and Wizard-
It also goes deeper into my human headcanons with Espresso and Latte


(Time skip is sponsored by Espresso's laboratory)

Espresso was again testing different remedies, while Wizard messed with the bird in the corner of the room.

"What do you think about Pyro? She's red." Wizard said, they were most likely going to end up keeping it anyway.

"That's great..." Espresso mumbled, not really paying attention to Wizard. Espresso opened something, a red dust harassing his face. Espresso gagged, sneezing, the dust engulfing into flames and catching fire to the desk.

"Shit!" Espresso whispered, remembering there was a child next to him, pouring water on the flames. It wasn't large and it wasn't given time to spread so all it left was a few scorch marks.

"Rookie mistake..." Espresso hissed to himself lowly. He had a little bit over ten years of experience, such things shouldn't be made by him.

Wizard noticed Espresso, jumping off the chair he was sitting on, putting Pyro aside, "It's okay! Everyone makes mistakes..!" Wizard said, attempting to reassure his professor. Espresso sighed, smiling weakly, petting Wizards head for a while. He then jerked his hand back, returning to what he was doing before. Wizard frowned a bit, jumping back on the chair, staring at the bird next to him.

"Espresso?" Wizard asked, looking at Espresso.

"Hm?" Espresso responded, not looking up nor away from in front of him.

"Did you ever have a family?" Wizard asked, for as long as he had remembered, he never had a so-called family until now. Espresso sighed deeply, reluctant to answer the question, if anything he hated more than talking about feelings it was talking about his family.

"Yes..a small kinship, only my father, mother and cousin..oh my cousin."Espresso hissed, he hated his cousin. They hadn't seen each other in a very long while, nor talked, despite his cousins efforts on writing him.

"Who was your cousin?" Wizard asked, why he wanted to know all of this was beyond Espresso, but he had no reason to not answer, so for now he'll obey.

"Latte." Espresso replied bluntly.

"What happened to her family?" Wizard asked, tilting his head to the left.

"Their house burned down--Latte was the only one to escape the fire." Espresso said, now moving in front of where Wizard was sitting, using whatever was on the table in front of him, only god knows what he's doing.

"Did you start that fire?" Wizard asked, making Espresso pause and turn his head to where Wizard was, scowling at him. Wizard tilted his head innocently, trying his best to do puppy eyes.

"No more questions on this topic. Move on." Espresso said with a hint of bitterness in his tone.

"Have you ever loved anyone?" Wizard asked, only moving on to the one question Espresso hated most.

"No, no I haven't." Espresso replied, the bitterness growing.

"What about Madeleine? Don't you love him?" Wizard asked, he was trying to get onto something, Espresso knew that bit.

"I--I..." Espresso stammered, trying to find a sentence to use against Wizard. He couldn't think clearly, there were too many things going through his head.

"I knew it!" Wizard yelled, he knew all along, just wanted to get Espresso to say it himself. He didn't say it, per se, but this was close enough for Wizard to be satisfied with himself.

"You little shit." Espresso hissed, smiling faintly, chuckling.

'This kid's too damn smart for my liking.' Espresso thought, sighing as Wizard swayed his legs back and forth, humming and smiling. Espresso ruffled Wizards hair, grabbing him by the hair after a while.

"Tell anyone i'm throwing you overboard." Espresso said bluntly, his eyes everything but nice.

"Fine." Wizard huffed, he would just have to find out how to get pasts Espressos ear and tell at least Strawberry. It was only a matter of time now.

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