Earl Grey x Raspberry Mousse [P.4]

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If any of y'all use "pog" or "poggers" don't do it around me, it makes me cringe hard as hell, shit's stupid as fuck.
I'm not trying to offend anyone with that, I know the snowflakes will be all ass hurt from it

I got braces today, i'm not happy. - 11/11/21
I was also watching The Witcher while writing this


Raspberry Mousse woke up, though he didn't open his eyes. He stretched himself out before opening his eyes, only seeing PoodleBerry. He then paused, tensing, all he could smell was Earl Grey. Why he remembered what Earl Grey smelled like was beyond him, but the only thing he was focusing on was where he was. He jumped up, immediately falling off the bed and onto the floor, PoodleBerry waking up to being flung off the edge of the bed. PoddleBerry yelped once they hit the floor, Raspberry Mousse standing up once he hit the floor. Raspberry Mousse collected himself, taking a deep breath and picking his pet up, walking out of the room. His breathing was still a bit off track, PoodleBerry being the one one to notice as he put the dog down and closed the door. He grit his teeth, being both angry at himself and Earl Grey, but putting more blame on himself. 

"Hello." A familiar voice spoke, breaking Raspberry Mousse out of his angered state. Raspberry Mousse jumped at the word, raising his head to look at Dozer, sheepishly waving at him while looking exhausted. Raspberry Mousse stared at him, blinking, confused as to why and how he was here. Dozer yawned before speaking, still looking Exhausted.
(I had to include the forgotten, underrated character in this, R.I.P Dozer :')

"So...where am I?" Dozer asked, yawning in-between words. 

"Some hotel, I don't really know myself..." Raspberry Mousse sighed, crossing his arms and putting his face in his hand. 

"Oh...well, how do I get out?" Dozer asked him, looking up. Raspberry Mousse took his hand off his face, walking away, signaling Dozer to follow him. Dozer did follow him, not at first at least, he took a while to respond and even after he did he was as slow as a snail. Raspberry Mousse hissed, rolling his eyes. He was either stuck with slow people, fast people, or people who are all those things plus talkative...meaning Earl Grey. It was a combination he couldn't stand, and yet he never fought with Earl Grey about it, just let him talk. He wasn't that talkative himself, all he did was train and train the rest of his family, nothing more. He didn't have friends, yet a lot of other cookies considered him a friend. Raspberry Mousse was lost in thought, almost passing the door, until he almost tripped. He didn't look down, just pointed to the door and waited for Dozer to follow his hand.

"There's the door." Raspberry Mousse said, looking down now that he had gotten rid of Dozer. It was a plate, or saucer as a few people he had met called it. He blinked before picking it up, flipping it over, staring at it until he realized it was the one that Earl Grey called Crying Saucer, then putting it on a counter and walking away with his hands behind his back. Earl Grey stopped once he saw Raspberry Mousse turn around the corner, ignoring Earl Grey as he walked right past him, creating a small gust of wind.

Earl grey tilted his head at Raspberry Mousse, "I guess he didn't want to talk...?"  Earl Grey contemplated, not really questioning it much. He turned to the door when he saw it open, Dozer once again entering the hotel. 

'Didn't I just see him leave?' Earl Grey asked himself, flipping the platter he had in his hand behind his back, holding it with both hands as he walked up to Dozer with a smile. 


I have no idea why I ended it here but expect a lot more of Dozer in the chapters to come :D

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