Madeleine x Espresso [P.1]

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They are also humans in this weeee

Someone take ao3 away from me I keep looking at Harry Potter x Draco until 3 AM-


Espresso was sitting in his room, for some reason he got his own room, while the other crew members got two large rooms to all share. He sighed, forcing himself out of the bed and stretching, throwing on his coat lazily. He fixed his coat as he walked, out of his room and through the corridors, then to the main deck. He flinched when the sun hit his eyes, shielding them with his hand and squinting his eyes to the sky. Espresso shook his head slightly when his eyes adjusted to the brightness, crossing his arms, turning his head to the captain at the wheel. Madeleine hadn't noticed him yet, smiling up at the sky, as he always was. He always had a perky smile and bubbly personality, which annoyed Espresso at times but it became tolerable the more they spent time with each other.

"Captain." Espresso called out, looking at Madeleine, trying to get his attention. Madeleine jumped slightly at the words, not expecting them, looking down at the ship's doctor then smiling.
(Doctor Espresso supremacy 🛐)

"Good morning!" Madeleine said, somewhat yelling, but not meaning to. Madeleines voice had always been naturally loud, if he was yelling everyone would know. Espresso nodded, then turning away, to the other crew members. Madeleine tilted his head, Espresso always forced him to give him his attention without needing anything. It confused Madeleine but he didn't think too deep into it, brushing it off as him wanting Madeleine to know he was there.

"Espresso!" A voice called out, happy, Espresso sighed then turned to his basically son from the amount of time they spent with each other.

"Hello, Wizard." Espresso smiled, bending down to meet Wizards level.

"I found a bird!" Wizard boomed, catching Madeleines attention.

"That's great, sweetie...but please be quiet, people are still trying to sleep and focus." Espresso said, putting his hand on Wizards head to attempt at calming him down.

"I'm sorry." Wizard said, looking down.

"It's fine, just be careful. Now show me where that bird is, okay?" Espresso smiled, standing up. Wizard nodded, skipping away, Espresso following. Madeleine followed them, giving the ships wheel to someone else. Madeleine was trying to be quiet, and succeeded, ironically, putting his hand on Espresso's shoulder.

"Dear god-" Espresso yelled, jumping, whipping around, relaxing and sighing in relief when he found out it was just Madeleine trying to scare him. Madeleine laughed, his laughter echoing through the empty halls. Espresso hissed, punching him in the chest, doing little damage to the taller blonde. Espresso stormed after Wizard, angry. Madeleine followed him, smiling awkwardly.

"Sorry.." Madeleine said, chuckling nervously. Espresso glared at him with narrow eyes, scowling. Madeleine gave an awkward smile then turned to Wizard. Wizard stopped shortly after, shoving a box in Espressos face.

"Stop, stop, let me see it, stop shoving it." Espresso said in a slight hiss. He grabbed the box, seeing a small cardinal. It looked spooked, which was common here. Espresso put the box down, sitting in front of it, sighing. Madeleine sat next to Espresso, peering into the box with Wizard also peering into the box over Espressos shoulder, smiling.

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