Earl Grey x Raspberry Mousse...part 2

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Props to the people who commented, I like comments and that made me happy


As Raspberry Mousse walked into the hotel, following Earl Grey, he sighed quietly, beating himself up in his head for saying yes to doing this.

"So, what do you need help with?" Raspberry Mousse asked the cookie in front of them, glaring down at them. 

"Oh! Um, well. Someone has been stealing from the Hotel for the past few days and Crying Saucer has been getting anxious about it, the police won't budge and I assume you have experience in this topic?" Earl Grey said, sounding quite unsure, like he was making it up, smiling nervously. Although Raspberry Mousse could tell the cookie was making it up, he wanted to know more about this place, why it was so familiar, and more he wanted to learn about the cookie standing in front of him...

"I suppose." Raspberry Mousse sighed, closing his eyes, then opening them, pausing. 

"Who is Crying Saucer?" Raspberry Mousse hissed, narrowing his eyes at Earl Grey, making him jump back slightly.

"Uh...that's a long story..." Earl Grey said, trying to avoid to avoid the question.

"No story is too long to listen to." Raspberry Mousse stated, pushing Earl Grey to tell him.

"Alright fine, When I first started, I broke a teacup. That teacup that had a plate friend, so ever since they've been following me around to make sure I don't break anything." Earl Grey said, getting a small laugh out of Raspberry Mousse. It was unlike him to laugh, and so it was hard to get one out of him. Earl Grey paused, not expecting Raspberry Mousse to laugh, or have any reaction for that matter. Raspberry Mousse quickly stopped, moving on like that didn't just happen.

"What's been being stolen that's gotten the plate angry?" Raspberry Mousse asked, walking in front of Earl Grey with his hands behind his back. Earl Grey followed him, Poodleberry following behind earl Grey.

"Just some of the other tableware, I don't know why someone would want it." Earl Grey said, looking at the cookie in front of him, furrowing his brow at why he was so interested in the stuff on the wall.

"Have we met before?" Raspberry Mousse asked out of the blue, stopping abruptly, Earl Grey walking into him on accident, falling over. Though, Raspberry Mousse wasn't affected by Earl Grey running into him.

"What?" Earl Grey asked, fixing his glasses which had almost fallen off his face.

"Have we met before?" Raspberry Mousse repeated, turning to Earl Grey.

"No...I don't remember us ever meeting before now." Earl responded, blinking.

"Why do you ask?" Earl Grey asked Raspberry Mousse, blinking again.

"No reason...let's go." Raspberry Mousse sighed, continuing to walk with his pet beside him. Earl Grey followed him, running at points from how fast Raspberry Mousse was walking.

"Can you slow down, please?" Earl Grey asked, panting slightly. Raspberry Mousse paused for a few seconds, then continuing to walk, this time at a normal pace.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking." Raspberry Mousse said, looking down.

"It's fine! It wasn't your fault." Earl Grey smiled, Raspberry Mousse looking up and growling quietly at the smile.

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