Madeleine x Espresso [P.2]

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Thank you to the people who have commented and voted, I don't get many of those!

And in case I change my nickname again I usually go by Phillip, Casper or any nickname you come up with, I don't really care much.

Quen if you're reading this get out before I set your house on fire.


"You need to let it go when it heals, I know you'll try and keep it." Espresso sighed, standing up and picking the box up, attempting at putting it somewhere high but failing. He was too short, struggling to get it up. Wizard started giggling at the sight, Madeleine chuckling at Espresso, eventually helping him. 

"I didn't need help." Espresso hissed, denying how he had clearly needed help.

"You looked like you did!" Madeleine smiled, getting a bit too loud. Espresso scowled at Madeleine, not looking very intimidating with his sleep deprived eyes and the fact he was less than half the size of madeleine. Madeleine only smiled at Espresso, forcing Espresso to let out a sighing growl and walk away.

"Wizard, let's go." Espresso said as he walked away, Wizard quickly following him, Madeleine following as well. 

"Not you." Espresso growled at Madeleine, who was a bit taken back at how he had just written off his captain. Espresso didn't realise what he had just did, for some reason in a fit of rage over a simple thing. Though, Espresso had always stressed over the smallest things, paying attention to tiny details more than the big ones. Madeleine was there to look at the obvious details, and so they evened each other out. 

"Do not write me off." Madeleine said, only now sounding serious. Espresso sighed at the tone, only now coming back to reality.

"I'm...sorry, I...don't know why I was so angry." Espresso said, running his fingers through his hair. Madeleine smiled at the apology, back to his normal happy self. 

"It's fine! Just don't do it again, please?" Madeleine asked, looking at Espresso. Espresso just smiled  in response, the smile fading once he turned around.

"Let's go...I have work to do." Espresso urged, walking away with Wizard following. Madeleine shrugged, running after them. All of what Wizard and Espresso were talking about from that point on Madeleine failed to keep up entirely, not understanding most of it. He was amazed on how Wizard could keep up with the information, being so young. Though, he was more amazed on how Espresso could remember it all, he barely got any sleep, and when he did it was nothing more than two or three hours. Madeleine gave up on trying to keep up less than half an hour in, attempting to touch some of the stuff Espresso had in his room. Espresso smacked his hand away every time Madeleine tried to touch something, though never losing complete focus on his student. Every smack on his hand Madeleine let out an unhappy whine, staring at Espresso. Espresso ignored Madeleines angry glares, continuing to babble on to Wizard about things Madeleine could never understand. Madeleine was about to leave until Espresso gave Wizard a book to study while he did other things, Madeleine taking it as a chance to talk to Espresso more. 

"Espresso!" Madeleine said, immediately standing next to him.

"What?" Espresso asked, not looking up at Madeleine.

"I'm planning on going into town later--the cookiemals spotted land a while ago." Madeleine smiled, hinting that he wanted Espresso to go with him. Espresso sighed, as much as he wanted to say no, he had to restock anyway.

"Fine...i'll go with you." Espresso said reluctantly, Madeleine grinning in response.

"Great! I'll tell you when we dock!" Madeleine said, running out of the room. Espresso hissed, he would have to be around Madeleine more than he originally wanted.

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