"Im not a girl" I finally said

"Last time i checked you have a vangina dont you?" Kiibo said

"Shut the fuck up Kiibo" Ouma said walking in

"And theres mommies boy! A perfect match." Kirumi said

"More like mommies 13th reason." Kiibo said with a snicker

Tenko and Angie were standing at the closet door awkwardly

"My bad did i hear you right?" Tenko said

"Unless you're ears are clogged you should have heard me right." Kiibo shrugged

"You fucking shit." Ouma mumbled

"Whatcha gonna do drugie?" Himiko said

"Im gonna beat you're ass." He said

"Im a girl i hope you know that." She said blowing on her nails

"So? You guys are around the same hight and weight so i dont see a problem." Gonta said

"Its still wrong for a boy to hit a girl." Himiko said

"Its still wrong to be transphobic and to encourage ed." Tenko said

"I don't encourage ed Tenko. Get you're head out of you're ass." She said rolling her eyes

"Then you wanna tell me about how you got caught multiple times telling Kokichi how he looks fat?" Tenko said

"That doesn't encourage shit" Miu said.

"So you're defending body shaming now Miu? Thats another thing for your dad to cry about" Gonta said

"Stop fucking talking about my body. I dont have an ed. You guys are so fucking insensitive. Just because im a picky eater doesnt mean im anorexic." Ouma said

"Uh huh wanna go take a step on that scale over there? You might have gained a few pounds from that pizza and shit you ate earlier." Kirumi said

Ouma's face turned pale and he grabbed his body with his arms.

I shot up and ran to him, i took his arm and dragged him down the stairs

I opened the front door and we stepped outside onto the front porch.

"Im think im going to puke." He said hugging his stomach

"Stay right here im gonna get you some water ok?" I lightly grabbed on his sholders and looked into his eyes

He nodded and i dashed inside, I grabbed a cup from the cabinet and poured water from the fridge into the cup.

"Hey i saw you walk outside with Ko is everything ok?" Kaede said worriedly

"Is he sick?" Kaito asked

"Kirumi said something that triggered him I'll explain later but i think we need to leave." I said

"Shit ok ill grab my stuff Kaito can you start my car please?" Kaede threw her keys at Kaito and he nodded and ran out the door

I followed behind Kaito and gave ouma the water when I walked out

"Come on lets go get in the car okay?" I said

He nodded and we sped walked to Kaede's car

Me and Ouma got into the back while Kaito was in the drivers seat adjusting the heat to try and warm up the car

Im not ready yet. [ Pregame Saiouma ]Where stories live. Discover now