Chapter 5

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•Shuichi's Story•

We dropped Korekiyo and Kiibo off at their houses and made our way to Tenko's.

I caught Tenko looking at Ouma nervously in the mirror but when we locked eyes she quickly looked back down at her phone.

Kaede and Ouma were passed out in the back seat.

It was quiet.

The only noise was the car driving along the dark icy road. It was around midnight when we made it to Tenko's.

"See you guys later.. are you guys still going to the party??" She asked quietly before getting out of the car

"Thats the plan." Kaito said with a smirk

"Ah ok.." She grabbed her bag and hopped out of the car, closing the door behind her.

"You wanna drop by your house to get changed and everything?? We'll wait for you in the car." I asked Kaito

"Yeah sure. It's on the way to Kaede's anyways." He said

"Mhm..." We heard a soft groan coming from the back seat

I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Ouma sitting up in the seat rubbing his eyes

"Morning sunshine." Kaito said teasingly

"Mh.. fuck off.." Ouma mumbled

He crawled into the middle row and sat down in the seat behind Kaito.

I could feel him looking at me, I turned my head and he had his head down trying fo shield his eyes with his hair, when he realized I could still tell he put his feet on his seat and laid his head on his thighs.

"Hm.." I sighed and turned back to the front.

"Hey Ouma why did you run away again." I asked out loud still facing forward.

"I didnt run away." He mumbled

"Sure you did." I replied looking at him in the mirror.

He put his legs down and leaned his head back on the seat.

I noticed him rubbing his upper arm uncomfortably while pressing down with his thumb.

"You're arm ok?" I asked

He frowned and looked down again

"Stop faking im not dumb." He said

"Dumb enough to get manipulated." I mumbled

"Im not def either." He whispered

"You sure? Last time i checked you couldn't seem to hear the multiple warnings everyone was telling you. but oh no you believe everything Rantaro says." I mocked

"Oh kay! We're here. You guys want anything to eat? You're welcome to come inside!" Kaito said with a grin

"No." Ouma said

"Yeah sure we could use some food." I smiled and opened the door to the car

Ouma crawled to the back seat and lightly shook Kaede awake.

"Akamatsu wake up" He said

"Mm.. what time is it..." She said slowly opening her eyes.

"We're at Kaito's are you hungry?" He asked her

"Mhm." She mumbled. They got out of the car and Ouma was grabbing on to Kaede's arm while we walked inside

Kaito grabbed a hidden spare of keys under a fake plant and opened the door before placing it back.

We all walked in and Kaede and Ouma went to sit down on the couch together.

"You guys want some ciggies?" Kaito said grabbing a pack of cigarettes out of the cabinet

"Later." Kaede said laying her head on Ouma's

"Oooookkkk.." Kaito said awkwardly before passing me a pack and then going upstairs to change.

I walked over to the couch and sat on the far end of the couch next to Kaede

Ouma started looking at me uncomfortably.

"Are you guys dating now or something..?" I asked them

"Im a lesbian dumbass." Kaede said jokingly

"My bad." I said embarrassed

We sat in silence for awhile before Kaede got up and went to the kitchen and opening the fridge

"God theres no way in hell Kaito is going to be able to live alone when he's older. His grandparents went on a week trip and he's already out of food." She laughed

"Hey i heard that! I dont need to worry about that with all the chicks imma get when im grown!" Kaito said slightly offended

"Yeah like their gonna go grocery shopping for you." She sighed and grabbed an apple out of a basket

"Whatever theres probably gonna be pizza at the party." She said sitting down twirling the apple between her fingers

"$20 that their gonna put magic mushrooms on it for toppings" Ouma said

"I dont think you need any magic mushrooms you look high as high as you're dad when he looks at his charges." She said

"Wait a minute are you high?" She asked looking into his eyes

"Uhm no." He said tiredly

"Uh huh." She turned on her phone flashlight and shined it in his eyes

"Oww" Ouma said over dramatically

He crawled away from her all the way to my lap.

He then grabbed my hand and placed it over his eyes

"Yep he's definitely high." I said

"Dork" he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Kaito said hurrying down the stairs

"Yea." Kaede said jumping off the couch

Kaito went over to the fridge and grabbed a cardboard box of beer. "Hey Kk can you grab the bag out of my room it should be on my bed I forgot it" He said

"Sure" She ran up the stairs before yelling "the big 5 pound bag of weed???" She asked

"Do you think?" Kaito yelled back

"Nah i think you meant this bag of por-"
"And were leaving"

Im not ready yet. [ Pregame Saiouma ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora