Chapter 3

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A/N Please check the book bio for Trigger Warnings if you haven't before reading this chapter (or before reading the rest of the book.)

•Kokichi's Story•

Where the fuck is he.

I impatiently tapped my foot on the ground waiting for Rantaro to meet me at the school doors so i can get my phone back.

Everyone was already emptied out of the school besides the ones who were staying after school for clubs.

"Fuck" I rolled my eyes and ran back into the school, making my way up the stair case to Rantaro's last period to see if he was still in there.

I opened the door and there he was.

My wonderful loving boyfriend pushing a girl against the teachers desk, making out with her while he slid his hand up her skirt.

7th time.

This is the 7th fucking time he has cheated on me.

"It was a mistake!" "I was drunk!" "I didnt mean too!" "It was a dare!" Excuses. Excuse after excuse. And of course, I believed him. I really did.

Because he "loved me". He loved me so much to fuck me up in the head and isolate me from everyone so my whole fucking living is dependent on him and him only. And then he just goes and cheats on me like i was a one night stand.

I thought he loved me.

He's a liar.

Everyone is a liar.

"Fuck you Rantaro." I said. I felt my whole body start to tremble and shake

"Shi- uhm. Uh. Hey hey come here" He got off of the girl and walked over to me wiping his mouth on the way.

He reached for my arm and I quickly shoved his hand off

"Dont fucking touch me." I said. My mind was going fucking crazy over nothing.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit

I want to cut myself

I want to cut my body into deep slices and bleed out all over the floor.

I want to rip out my insides and throw myself into a fire pit to burn.

I cant do this anymore

He was the only reason im still here.

"Dont talk to me like that. I can touch you if i want to." He grabbed my shoulder and dragged me out of the class room

"LET ME GO" I screamed trying to get out of his grasp

My arm started to go numb from his grip

He just stood there holding me against the wall staring at me with empty eyes.

"Are you done acting like im abusing you?" He asked frowning

I tried to kick him but he moved over to where I couldn't reach

"F-FUCK JUST LET ME GO" He took both of my arms and pressed them against my chest.

My whole uperbody was burning. I felt like i was going to pass out.

When he decided i was tired out enough he grabbed my bottom two legs and picked me up to carry me down the stairs. I continued to kick and scream with the last bit of energy i have left.

We left the school and he unlocked his car doors before throwing me in the backseat and slamming the door in my face.

As he was walking around the car to get to the drivers seat i quickly sat up and fell out of the car door. I got up on my feet and quickly started running towards the road.

"OUMA STOP" He yelled after me.

I continued running.

When i made it to the road i looked both ways quickly before running across. Rantaro quickly followed behind me in his car. I knew there was a thick forest in the ditch up ahead. So I ran as fast as I could and slid down the hill into piles of dead leafs.

I quickly got up and continued to run straight into the woods. Branches and thorn bushes scraping my ankles and face while i ran through them

When i felt i was about to pass out I slowed my pace down and slumped over to a fallen tree.

I tried to concentrate on my breathing and steady my heart beat. I really wish i had my phone..


I heard loud car honks coming from the road. I crawled behind the tree away from the sight of anyone gazing into the trees.

I hugged my knees and put my head in my hands.

It was cold.

To cold for my liking. I moved my arms into my shirt trying to get as warm as i could.

There was more honking and beeping.

But all the noise around me slowly started to fade out as my vision started to get more blurry and unrecognizable. I closed my eyes and let the darkness come over me as I slowly lost consciousness.

Im not ready yet. [ Pregame Saiouma ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora