Chapter 1

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Warning: Slightly Sexual

The bright light flooded into my room when I opened the blinds to reveal a gloomy day. Dead trees surrounding the window, rain drops splattered across the glass.

I sighed and tightened my black tie to my uniform and grabbed my book bag before swinging it over my shoulder.

I walked out of my room and into the weed scented living room. My dad was sitting on the couch with a hand wrapped around his penis fast asleep.

Disgusting.. I thought to myself while grabbing my shoes and slipping them on.

I went over to my dad and took out his wallet before grabbing a $20 bill along with a few singles.

I stuffed them into my shirt pocket and threw his wallet back on the couch.

I grabbed my house key and slammed the door behind me, locking it with my keys then making my way down the wet sidewalk to school.

It started to sprinkle but i had forgotten my jacket at school yesterday so sadly i had nothing to cover up with. I continued to walk to school ignoring all the stares im getting.

God i hate people sometimes

As i made it to school it was too early to go to class so they make everyone sit in the gym.

I hopped up the bleachers to the top and sat down, placing my book bag beside me.

I looked around the gym hoping to see someone who would talk to me. No one even gave a glance towards me.

I sighed and put my head down in my lap

I must have accidentally dosed off for a few because the next thing i know someone is poking my cheek.

"Hunny wake up people think you're depressed" Kaede said

"I am depressfd" I mumbled

"I dont get how you pronounce words with sounds that arent even included in it." She smiled slightly

"Bleh" i stuck out my tongue

I felt someone looking at me so I looked around the gym, until something.. or someone caught my eye

"Hey shuichi is staring at us" I mumbled to kaede

She looked around the bleachers not understanding where he is before she caught his eye too

When he realized we saw him looking he quickly looked away and continued having the conversation he was having with his friends.

"Hey I forgot to tell you but Shuichi has been acting weird lately.. Kaito Korekiyo and Tenko have caught him staring at you, i dont know what his problem is." She said

"Thats.. weird." I responded still looking in shuichis direction

Someone else caught my eye

"Ugh Rantaro.." Kaede mumbled

He came up to us and sat down next to me

"Hey ouma" he said

"Hi.." I responded awkwardly

"Uhm kaede do you mind?" He said with a slightly rude undertone

"Do i mind what? Do i mind you being here? Yes" she smiled

"Do you mind fucking off. I would like to have some alone time with my boyfriend" He responded.

"Hmmm... nah im good thanks for the invite though." She said

Rantaro scoffed and grabbed my arm pulling me down the bleachers.

"Y-youre hurting my arm." I mumbled

He ignored me and continued walking until we reached the bottom bleacher and he pulled me down on the seat.

"Give me your phone." He said looking down at me

I got my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Why did you change you're password?" He said glaring at me

"I dunno.." I nervously looked away. I could still feel him glaring at me.

"Are you hiding something from me ouma" He said blankly

"No" I answered

"Yes you are. You're cheating on me arent you." He said

"No im not. Im not hidsing anything from you" I felt my eyes sting as they water up

Deep shit why do i cry at the littlest fucking things. No wonder half of the school babies me. God why am i like this.

"Whatever what is you're password." He said

"...." I stayed silent. Im tired of him going through my shit.. he doesnt even love me. Seriously the only time we even comunicate is when he wants to go through my phone or when he's horny and wants me to give him a blowjob in the school bathrooms.

"Im driving you home today dont get on the bus. Understand me?" He said

I nodded and he stuffed my phone in his pocket before leaving me to go talk to other people.

Kaede ran down the steps  with our book bags and sat next to me

"Are you ok? Did he do anything?" She frantically said

"No" I mumbled

"Do you want me to drive you to my house today after school?" She asked

"I cant he said he's driving me home." I said

"So? If he's driving you to you're house then whats the point in going with him." She said annoyed

"I dont want to make him mad.. ill take the local bus to you're house after he drops me off at my house. I dont want to fuck up again Kaede." I explained

"Are you sure?" She said slightly worried

"Mhm." I looked behind me towards shuichi's and saw him picking at his nails while nervously shaking his leg. The boys sitting near him were laughing and he just nodded and shrugged at everything.

Somethings definitely wrong.

End Of Chapter One

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