Chapter 14: Shot to the Heart & Raven Missing

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“He is walking down the street with Miss Seraphina sir……No sir I can guarantee her safety…..Yes sir today is the day……John is elsewhere sir…”

    Me and William had just sat down in Wabba Bobaa and ordered our drinks with Shadow sitting at the end of our table.

“Now seraphina” William started with a serious expression on his face, getting my attention immediately, “I can see how much John loves you but I need to see for myself what he sees in you”

“What do you want to know William?” I was confused and a little shocked that he was being so serious like I was a threat to John all of a sudden.

“Well for starters I want to know where you see yourself in a few years…Job, relationship, those kinds of things”

So that's what he wants to know…if I was using John to get away from my parents, which is almost kinda true but I never thought he would actually be able to do it.

“Well I actually want to go into psychology, I know my ability is not suited for that type of job but after seeing what happened to John…I can’t help but think there are other people out there like John who can’t recover.”

“My my…you blazed right through over 100 thirty page tests, just like your mother.” Uncle Vaughn chuckled to himself as I placed the finished and marked tests on the corner of his desk labelled History.

“Ya well I suck at most school related work but where I lack in school smarts I make up for with my street smarts” laughing to myself I was often told by my father I could achieve if I applied myself.

“I always wondered why you didn’t apply yourself more, always just barely passing your classes but yet this here says otherwise '' Uncle Vaughn opened his desk pulling out a folder labelled Entrance Exams 20XX. He pulled a certain exam and looked at me…oh crap.

“Applicant, John Doe, average score overall…95%...” looking up from the paper smirking at me, “There is no other student who can match your intellect except Seraphina who got a 94.5%”

“Well I may be smarter than I look, but I rather like being interpreted as a complete idiot…Sera when I first meet her was so set on being on top, so I played stupid and I kinda liked it.” Smiling to myself I remembered our project together, where I also started playing an idiot.

“I have to say…your mother was the same, she was quite intelligent…she chose to resign herself so others could approach her in intellect” Finishing the last page he finished marking that test. Standing suddenly he caught me slightly off guard. “Alright John, I think we have enough tests marked to leave them for the actual lazy faculty members on Monday, time to spar '' Turning to me we gave each other smirks as we made our way out to the sparring grounds.

“I see” William was smiling, that has to be a good sign right? Damn I was getting nervous.

“When John confessed to me on the train he asked me to be his girlfriend, I told him I wanted to marry him” looking off across the cafe I was thinking about it, “I don’t care if it’s big or small, if it’s in a church or a justice of the peace, I want to be Seraphina Doe and say I belong to John, simple as that-” releasing what I had just said I was blushing a deep red turning to William he simply smiled at me.

“I Knew my son fell in love with the right girl…my father did the same thing to Jane when he found out we were dating”

“Here are your drinks. Is there anything else I can do for you today?” a waitress asked as she brought our drinks to our table.

“No that will be all, thank you” William responded before the waitress walked off.

    We were about to take our first sip of our drinks when someone yelled across the cafe.

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