→ This Love is Difficult

Start from the beginning


"He will know where I am now. I saw one of his men recently"Tine said and Dew looked at him.

"Your father's?"


"So are you going to go away again?"Dew asked and Tine stopped eating.

"I'm not sure....... before,there was nothing holding me back or pinning me down to a place that it was hard for me to move from there. But now, I met You and Sarawat here. It's sort of hard......."Tine said and Dew touched his hand.

"I'm gonna miss you,if you're to go away"Dew said and Tine chuckled.

"I see what you're doing. Making it harder for me. But even if I saw them, I'm sure they haven't seen me"Tine said and Dew nodded.

"But.......why are you running away from your father?"Dew said and Tine stayed silent before he answered with just a shrug.

"I see, you still don't wanna talk about it. But you should let Sarawat know about this habit of your's of running away from one place to another"Dew said and Tine rolled his eyes.

"You're making it sound like I'm afraid of him. I just don't wanna meet him again and so I shift places and besides, I love traveling. I'm planning to tell Sarawat about this tomorrow"Tine said and Dew nodded.

"Do you think he'll still want to continue this relationship after you go to another place?"Dew asked accidentally and filled up worries in Tine's heart.

Tine just hid it with a smile, "it's his choice after all. It doesn't matter how far you're if your love is real"Tine said and Dew just shrugged.


"Bring him here"He said to the secretary.

"We've already sent some men to the library"

"He was lying. I've contacted the driver, he'll be going to his old teachers home. Don't let him meet that Tine, the faster we act,the better"Mr.Guntithanon said and his secretary nodded and left.

With money and fame there's nothing they can't do, Mr.Guntithanon already confirmed who's Tine by checking the cctv footage of Sarawat with him at school.


From the busstop he got down at,there was some walking distance to reach the teacher's house. Tine took out his phone to call Sarawat to see if he's already there but then a car stopped in front of him that surprised him because it was just about to hit him.

A man jumped out of the car and went to him hurriedly and he was even scared.

"W-wha- What?"

"I'm so sorry about that. But aren't you Tine?"The man who was maybe in his late 30s asked and Tine calmed down a bit but then his eyes turned cold, he saw his Father men a few days back and he's not sure if this is someone sent by him.

"Who are you?"His tone was quite rude that took man by surprise.

"I'm Jacob, I'm the secretary of Mr.Guntithanon, Mr.Sarawat's father. You friend sent me to pick you up"the man said with a small smile and Tine looked at him up and down.

"He didn't told me anything about this"Tine didn't wanted to trust this person so easily.

"He's at home"Jacob said again, hurrying a little in his tone and Tine frowned, something about this guy was making him get bad vibes and he got the feeling that something's wrong and he didn't felt like ignoring the feeling.

"Oh,then, I'll just make a call"Tine was about open his phone when it was snatched away.

"Hey,What are you doing?"Tine asked angrily an Jacob smiled.

𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑦 (𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑓) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now