I Can't Explain This Feeling (BoyxBoy) 8

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Chapter 8


~Cole’s P.O.V. ~

I am still in shock about the fact that I bitch slapped another guy. What the hell is wrong with me? Anyways, after I showed those jocks a piece of my mind, punching and shoving their asses away, I turned to the little freak.

“Where have you been this past week?” I asked in a tone that should not be defied. The little freak dropped his eyes to the ground and stayed silent.

“Well? Aren’t you going to answer me?” I snapped irritated.

“I wss vick…” he mumbled, his gaze still cast to the ground.

“Excuse me? I can’t hear YOU.” I said emphasizing the ‘you’.

“I SAID I WAS SICK!” he shouted, finally looking up. The sight of his face made me inhale a big breath of air and I had to bite my lip to allow myself to show any sound. Bloodshot eyes with dark bags under sat upon his pale, white complexion.

“Chill, now what the hell where you doing in the bathroom with those guys?” I demanded.

“Nothing.” he said looking away again. Obviously, something was wrong here.

“Tell me now.” I ordered with a solemn face.

“I just told you! Nothing happened! Just leave me alone okay?” he shouted at me, tears wetting his eyes. That’s it; I pulled his chin up and looked at his face. My hand on his chin was sticky and dry, white stuff coated the skin around his mouth.

“Don’t lie to me. I know what happened.” I said.

“Then why are you asking me?!?” the little freak shouted at me. Oh he did not just do that.

“You know what? I’m fucking done here! I don’t give about you or your little problems.” I said and left, slamming the bathroom door behind me.

This is why I don’t talk to freaks.

~Christofer’s P.O.V. ~

Oh no, I made him mad. I walked to a bathroom mirror and glanced at it. Shit… I really looked like shit! I opened the tap and washed my face.

Forget about Cole and the guys, they don’t give a crap about you. Just forget.

Once I was done washing my face, I went home. Yep, I had enough of school. Time to do something fun. After I snuck out of school safe and soundly, I walked all around the neighborhood until I saw a hair salon. I guess I need a haircut anyways. I walked inside and was greeted by a middle aged woman.

“Hello, how may I help you?” she asked.

“Uh, I need a haircut.” I said pointing at my black hair.

“But you hair is perfect!” she pouted. “How ‘bout a job instead? We get needy customers all the time and an ass as cute as yours is perfect.” She smirked.

“Wha..?” I asked dumbfounded. Did she think I was a girl? I don’t think that there are that many gay people out there.

“A job. Do you want to work here? We have good pay and you’ll only have to wash hair, blow dry hair, and give massages.” She smiled. Let’s see, I have no life and a lot of free time. A job? Hell yes.

“Sure, when do I start?” I asked.

“Now sweet-cheeks, we got a customer in the back for you and he’s a needy one, watch out.” She warned pointing at the back of the shop.

I walked to where she was pointing and I saw a twenty something guy sitting there with a cigarette lit in his mouth. I waited there until he noticed I was there. When he finally did, he gestured for me to walk closer to him.

“Hey kitten, I wanna massage.” I nodded and proceeded to his shoulders when he held a hand up to stop me. “Hey, hey, I don’t mean there, I mean here.” He said and gestured to his crotch.

Oh My God.

I shook my head quickly and was about to walk away when I felt a grip on my arm. I turned around and the smell of smoke hit my nose.

“Where ya goin’ kitty?” he asked with a devilish smirk. Oh no…I have a bad feeling about this. The guy pulled on my forearm and I flew back landing on his lap. I got up but a second later, I was pulled back down.

“Excuse me, please let me go. “ I asked politely even though I was a little annoyed on the inside.

“I don’t think so.” He whispered against my neck and stroked my member. This is NOT going to happen again.

“STOP IT.” I ordered in an angry tone. He better stop right now.

“NO. What are you gonna do about it? Scratch me?” he said and laughed at his own words. Stupid man.

“Let go of him.” A voice to my left said. I looked for the source of the disembodied voice and found it. Cole. Great! Just when I don’t want to see him, he shows up.

“Aw, being a little selfish are we now? Should we share him?” the guy I was still sitting on said. He started running his tongue up and down my neck and I was feeling more uncomfortable by the minute.

“Shut up, I have an appointment for my hair and I want him to washed it.” he told the guy and then faced me. “You, start washing my hair.”

I sat Cole on a empty seat and squished shampoo on my hand I opened the water spout and started washing his hair, getting each individual strand. His hair was so soft and blonde. It was like the hair of an angel. After I was done being a hair rapist, I laid his head down and started washing off all the shampoo.

“Why the hell are you here?” he asked while I was touching his hair in a wrong way.

“Umm, I work here and this is my job.” I told him quietly.

“Well hurry up then! You’re so slow!” he ordered and I panicked. I was never good with someone rushing me. I can’t take it when I’m running out of time.

I quickly began rinsing his hair over and over again until I pulled on it by accident.

“Ow!” he winced.

“I’m so sor-” I started to say but stopped when I splashed water all over him. I gasped and took a step back. Cole looked surprised as well and he just sighed. He grabbed a towel next to him and quickly dried beautiful blonde hair. What he did next surprised me and excited me.

He took off his shirt.

I felt my jaw drop as I drooled over his amazing body. He didn’t have abs or gigantic muscles but you could still see that he was obviously fit. Wow, I would sure like to lick whipped cream off that body. NO! What the hell Chris, bad! Stop thinking about something normal in sexual ways.

“Well? Aren’t you going to continue?” he asked. I returned back to normal and nodded. I laid his head back down and started conditioning it.

Once I was done, I ushered him up and led him to a chair where his hair would be cut. As he sat down, he grabbed my face and pulled me closer to him until we were at eye level. I stared into his blue pools and instantly got lost in them until I felt something soft and moist on my lips. I snapped out of my trance and saw that I was kissing Cole. I was kissing Cole? No he kissed me. HE KISSED ME!

Cole’s tongue licked my bottom lip and I instantly gave him access inside my mouth. After a second, I let out a moan that made my body go rigid and Cole pulled away with a devious look on his face. My eyes were still wide and I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks.

Oh My God.

I cannot believe it happened. I got a kiss with Cole! I was excited but embarrassed since I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.


lol i know i said that i didn't have any ideas but i lied. :D

i had the ideas, i just didn't know how to put them together.

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