Part 7 (Zayn 2)

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It was a couple of weeks after my sister and her wife got back from the honeymoon, and she wanted to tell us about it and spend some time with us. She was probably exhausted and jet lagged, I mean it was a honeymoon in Greece, hot and a lot of "work" if you know what I mean, plus the flying. We all always loved coming home and spending some time with siblings and parents.

We were in the kitchen making everyone coffee and tea, when someone knocked on the door. Since Angel and I were making the beverages, Taylor went to check who was there.

When I heard my father's voice, my blood nearly boiled. Dad and I looked at each other and went right there. As soon as we got there, my father looked at me. "I knew my voice would still call you right to me." He smiled.

"Taylor, please go help Angel with the coffee and tea, someone here forgot how important it is to leave the past behind and in some cases stay there with it," dad said.

I looked at him. "I'm not 5 anymore, I think I should be able to have a conversation with my father and possibly send him packing." I put my hand on dad's shoulder.

Dad looked at me and nodded. "Call me if you need anything." He smiled and went back to the kitchen.

I turned back to my father and sighed. "What can I do for you?" I asked with a smile. "I mean we haven't seen you for over 2 decades."

"I heard a couple of people talk about you and your sisters being somehow weird." He glared at me.

I stared at him for a little. "You have me quite confused on multiple levels." I scratched the back of my head.

"I mean that you and your 2 sisters are a little bunch of gays." He stabbed my chest.

When his finger stabbed my chest for the last time, a car stopped on the side of the road and Angel's wife stepped out of the car along with my new boyfriend. "Hey there, how have you two been?" I hugged her as she came to us quickly followed by hugging my boyfriend.

"We're good. What's up with this ray of sunshine?" My boyfriend asked.

"Don't mind him, just here to talk something out. The rest is in the kitchen. I'll get to y'all in a bit." I smiled at them and stepped aside to let them in.

I turned back to my father. "So?"

I sighed. "Well let's begin with quick news. I have only one sister. But I have a question, what is that to you? It's not like you are part of this family." I got my hands on my hips.

He grabbed my forearm and squeezed it. "You are my son, of course, I want to know. I need to make sure that you are who you need to be." He said with a tone that suggested something different than his words.

"Look, I don't know what exactly you think you are doing, but I am suggesting that you let go of me." I hissed.

Taylor came back to us. "Hey, sorry to bother but Vic is coming, he just called." He looked at the hand that was reaching to me. He looked at my father and raised his eyebrow. "I don't give a flying f*ck about who you are, put that hand back to your side of this conversation." He pushed the older man away.

My father glared at him. "And who the hell are you?"

I pushed him away to make sure he wouldn't do anything. "If you weren't such a pain in everyone's lives you'd know. Now get lost, nobody asked for this."

Then Victor came and wrapped his arms around Taylor. "How have you been, handsome?" Then he looked at my father and raised his eyebrow. "And who is this pile of bigotry?"

I sighed and smiled. "That would be my biological father whom I thankfully haven't seen since Taylor was like 1. Not that I mind." It seemed to have struck a nerve. "Okay, I have no idea what your ass wanted here, but I have family that I want to get to, so bye. An idea, why don't you try texting or calling first in the future?" I smiled sarcastically and closed the door behind me.

When we got to the kitchen, Angel looked at me from her stool where she had her wife on her lap. "Who was that?" She asked.

"Someone that gave me nightmares for years and I hope to never see again." I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

Angel's eyes widened. My mom walked to me and pulled me into a hug. "I completely understand why, but I hope that we raised you better. Be better than him and show respect to everyone, okay?" She smiled and booped my nose.

I nodded. "Yes, ma'am," I said with a smile.

"I mean, this was the first time I ever saw him, and before I even knew who he was I already knew he was a phobe. I still can't believe that he's part of the relations in this family." Victor said as the gay king that he is.

I nodded. "True, but why stoop down to his level, you know?" I smiled. "Yes, being petty is awesome, but if I can't be better than him, how can I tell people that I am better than the bad white cis straight men? Like come on, ain't that better in a way?" I shrugged.

Dad chuckled. "I would never think that he would wait that long or that he would get here for such a stupid reason."

I looked at my boyfriend to check if he understood what was happening but deep down I knew that he had no chance of knowing. His confused-looking face said it all. "It was my father, but he's what I would describe as 'ew'." I chuckled. I could see that it didn't really help. "Dad is actually stepdad and that mean dude is genetically connected to me." I chuckled.

"Oh, I would never get that, you two look alike so much." He smiled.

I looked at my mom and smiled. "That would be mom." I reached to hug her.

She went to hug me and we both got squeezed by dad.

"Now I see where your cuteness is coming from." My boyfriend chuckled looking at my sister squeezing her wife.


Hey folks, this is the end of this book. I know the end is just oh god, but cheesy scene endings ain't exactly my thing XD

If you saw any mistakes, let me know. Don't forget to stay safe and check my other books.
Bye, loves.
- Alex
25.07. 2022 12:05am

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