Part 3 (Zayn)

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I was with my parents, sitting on a couch when my mouth started working before my brain could stop it. "Do I have to go to my father's? I don't want to." I whined when my mom told me to go pack myself because my father was coming soon. My hands flew to my mouth.

Mommy looked at dad and then they both looked at me. Dad stood up and walked up to me. He knelt down in front of me. "Is everything okay over there?" He asked gently.

"He's always yelling and when I ask him not to, he yells at me more," I whispered. "He's scary, I don't like it." Mommy walked to us too and picked me up, hugging me close.

Dad hugged us and kissed our heads. "How about I talk to him and if I won't like what he's saying then you can stay here with us?" He suggested and pinched my cheek. I nodded and laid my head on mommy's shoulder. I felt safe and at home.

Then small steps echoed from the hallway, which meant that my sister was coming. Mommy sat me down. Then the steps stopped. "Mommyyyy!" Then the little girl ran to us, hugging mommy around her knees.

"Did your little sister do something?" She picked her up and they went to look at the little baby.

Then dad pulled me for one more hug. "You're brave just like your mommy." He whispered. "Not many people would be able to deal with bad dreams and a father like that. Not even me."

I squeezed him as close to me as I could. "You always make me feel safe. I know that you will protect me." I whispered.

"Aww. I'm very glad I made you feel that way. Now come on, time for some ice cream and then we can draw for a bit." I looked up at him, just to be sure I was not dreaming. My eyes started glowing a bit and a smile creeped out to my face.

We got the ice cream and we went drawing meeting mommy and my sister. They talked about "princess of the week" which is a character that is going to be the week's model. They had few rules, but I never remembered them since I rarely joined them.

Dad and I were drawing for a while when the bell echoed across our place. I felt like I went white. "Do I have to pack?"

Dad looked at me and gave me a smile. "No need. Go to our ladies, I will deal with this." He stood up when the bell echoed again. I really wanted to go to mommy, but I was frozen.

Eventually, I managed to get up and I went to look. I peeked into the living room that was connected to the front door. My father was there. "He's my son, not yours." He pushed.

Dad sighed. "And yet it seems like I'm better than you. Now please leave before I call the cops." Dad pointed at the door.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped a little, obviously making noise. I looked back and it was mommy with my sister. I peeked back and my eyes met my father's. "If you excuse me, I'm going to take my son over to my place, where he should be thanks to what your little girlfriend agreed."

I whimpered. My dad grabbed him by his arm as he tried to go by him to me. "You are going nowhere near my wife, daughters, or son. You are a guest here and you can be taken out of here much easier than you would want. Behave." He grunted.

Father shook him off. "I don't care whether you got married or have more kids. That little guy is my child, not yours. It's time for him to be with me." He spat and stepped closer, only to get pulled back.

Dad got a hand on his chest to hold him in place. "That little guy, as you called him, is scared of you."

"As he should be. There's no respect without fear." Father grunted.

Dad sighed and pushed him out of the house. "Such behavior is not tolerated in this house. Come back once your parents teach you the right manners." He closed the door and went to get us. He smiled as he noticed me peeking. "Come here, big boy." He knelt down and I ran to him. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed us close. "It's okay, you're staying here with us. One day you will be big and you will be able to help me protect our ladies. Until then I will protect you all." He kissed my head and stood up with me in his arms. "Time to finish those drawings, big boy." He smiled and jumped a little bit.

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