22. „she went away Viv.. she left me"

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Jill POV
„sorry but I can't tell you that" Sofia said. „I'm here to pick up her stuff please let me in" „no" I answered her. „Jill" I hear Viv scream. what are her and Lisa doing here? oh god I told them we can meet today.
„hey guys" I hugged them. „Jill" „Sofia where is Y/N"
„I can't tell you that... you'll know soon I promise"
„what happened" Lisa asks me. „Y/N left and now Sofia wants to pick up her stuff but doesn't wants to tell me where she is" „Jill you will know soon I promise but I really need to get her stuff" „Jill let her in" Viv says looking at me sadly. I let Sofia in and fell crying in the arms of my best friend. what did I do...

after a while Sofia left. I went to Y/N's room. Sofia took everything with her besides 3 hoodies. I sat down on Y/N's bed and let the reality sink in. „Jill"
I looked at Viv who's standing at the opened door.
„she went away Viv.. she left me" I say while crying.

I started driving to the next hotel and booked a room. then I decided to call Sofia.

S= Sofia
Y= Y/N

S: Hey Y/N how are you?
Y: I need to get away  (crying)
S: what happened
Y: don't wanna talk about that but I need a club where I can go on loan with an Chance to sign a permanent contract. if possible far away as possible.
S: Uhm okay... I think there is one you'll like....

I agreed to that club and asked Sofia to pick up my stuff from the apartment I shared with Jill. I decided to call Kim and Joe and a few hours after that I found myself on a plane. asking myself if that's the right thing to do...

Jill POV
we had training later that day. I walked into the changing room and looked around. „she's not here" I say looking at Viv in panic. she looks at me and puts her hand on my shoulder.
„who's not here?" Katie asks. „Y/N."

Beth POV
I walk into the changing room with Daan when I heard them talking about Y/N. „guys calm down" Daan says. „calm down? she left out of nothing!! she left Jill! she left our team hanging and told no one about it!! she told Jill that she loved her but-" Viv says but I interrupted her „okay stop it! Jill are you kidding me?" I look at Jill, she looks away „tell them the truth or I'm gonna do it... tell them why Y/N left last night" I say but Jill ignores me. „okay fine how about you tell them what you said to Y/N.......
no? okay I'm gonna do it then.
Jill and Daan had an argument about the last national team game they had. I guess they drank a bit to much but the argument went out of hands.
Y/N and I went to stop them when Jill started screaming at Y/N that not everyone can play for the best rated national team, that she should mind her own fucking business, that she's wondering why the Uswnt let her play because she's a psycho because of her crying and panic attacks. and that everything she touches is dead. that everyone who's near her should be scared of dying...And that it was normal what Y/N's ex fiancée did to Y/N. then Y/N left" I say angry and suddenly everyone is quiet. „Jill" Katie says looking at Jill who stands up and leaves.

Jill POV
I decided to tell Joe that I'm not feeling good and that I'm going home.. when I came home I decided to call my mom.

C= Chantal Jill's mom
J= Jill

C: hey honey how are you?
J: mom I ruined it (crying)
C: you ruined what?
J: she left me mom... and I don't know where she is
C: Jill what happened?

I told my mom everything that happened

C: I'm sorry honey but I can't help you with that.. what you did is definitely not okay. I understand her. but Jill try your best. I know you need her...
J: I don't even know where she is
C: I'm sorry I have to go.. love you
J: love you too mom

well... my mom is really disappointed....

after that I went into Y/N's room and put on one of her hoodies. it smells like her... god I'm such a bad person. I laid down in her bed.. imagining nothing happened and she's coming home to me any minute...

when I woke up a few hours later I realized once again she's not here. I try to call her but she's not answering. I heard the door rang. I opened it try to wipe away the tears on my face and looked into the eyes of my two best Friends Vivianne Miedema and Katie McCabe.
„look we don't think it's okay what you did and that you didn't told us the whole truth.. but you're our best friend and we help you okay? we got this together" „ I lost her" I let my phone fall „ she's not answering."

I spend the whole day cuddling with my best friends watching movies, crying, eating ice cream

and asking myself if that's really the end....

Tell me what you think and where's Y/N going?

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