13. „care about your own sh*t okay?"

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It's the next day. Jill, Olivia, Katie, Ruesha and I are at the airport in Houston right now for our flight back to England. „we're getting some coffe" Katie said and walked away with Ruesha and Olivia. I'm checking my phone when Jill who was standing next to me, spoke up „hey cutie what's up? are you okay?"
„huh yea why?" „you're checking your phone for the 100th time"Jill said. I looked at her and a tear rolled down my face. „hey tell me, you can talk to me" „it's my mom.. she didn't texted or called me since before the game yesterday... something is wrong" I said and started to cry more. Jill pulled me in a hug.
„hey... everything is going to be okay.. let's call her when we're back in London okay?" she said.
I nodded.  she released the hug a bit,lifted up my chin and looked me in the eyes and wiped my tears away, but I still cried so she pulled me back in a hug and gave me a kiss on my head. „hey, we brought you two a coffee too"Katie said. „thank you just put it on the table" Jill said and pointed on the table next to her. I stopped hugging Jill and looked at Katie and Ruesha „hey you're okay?" Ruesha asked me and then I told them everything and they gave me a hug. „uh hold on where is Olivia?" I asked „she went to the toilet" Katie answerd. I looked at Jill and Jill looked at me. In that second Olivia came back. „okay what is wrong" I said a bit angry to her „what do you mean" „you exactly know what I mean" „omg I'm just a bit sick calm down" „just a bit sick? yes of course and I'm Santa Claus" „ care about your own shit okay?" she grabbed her suitcase and walked away. „you're like my sister Olivia sorry that I care about you" I screamed after her „No Y/N you're wrong I was like your sister I'm not anymore! you're just a stupid friend" she said. Jill looked at me. „come on, she's right..let's go" I said and walked to the plane. and then we flew home.

⚠️TW : death ⚠️
we're back in our apartment in London. when we got home Olivia went directly in her room and I went in mine. I laid down in bed and felt tears running down my face. after a while I heard a knock on the door... it was Jill. „hey I heard you cry" „oh I'm sorry" I said and wiped my tears away. „can I come in?" Jill asked. „sure" I said. she laid down next to me in bed „come on it was a long flight and you didn't sleeped,  so come on sleep a bit." she said. I laid my head on her chest and she stroked my hair and then I fell asleep.

„hey sleepyhead, wake up, your phone is ringing... it's your mom" Jill said and gave me my phone „I'm waiting outside if you need me" she said and I nodded at her, then she gave me a kiss on my head and went out of my room. then my mom called me again and I accepted the call :

M= Mom
Y= Y/N

Y: „hey mom"

M: „hey honey how are you ?"

Y: „good you?"

M: „your debut was amazing!! Sorry that I call you now not earlier... I'm not so good cutie" *tired voice*

Y: „mommy what happened?"

M: „Y/N honey your grandpa.... he"

Y: „No" *starts crying*

M: „I'm so sorry" *cries too*


M: „the night after your debut.. he watched it and after that... it was night here when it was day in the US so it was the next day.."

Y: „No"

M: „I have to go... the funeral is in a few days but I'll send you everything you need to know. you're strong. I love you."

Y: „ love you too mommy. tell my sister I love her bye"

(call end)

I threw  my phone against my mirror. A little crack was on the mirror now. I got up and wanted to pick up my phone but my emotions came over me and I punched with my fist against the mirror. the mirror broke into many pieces, and cut me. everywhere was blood. The pain of my wounds and the pain of my loss became too much, I cried and I wanted to scream but I couldn't. In that second my door opened and it was Jill. she looked at me with shock. „omg Y/N what happened?" „m..m..my..my... my grandpa ... he... h..he d.. d.. died" I stuttered. Jill pulled me in a hug and I collapsed in her arms. she just hold me close. My blood and my tears was all over  her clothes. after a few minutes Olivia opened the door. „omg what happened?" she screamed. Jill told her everything and then Olivia joined the hug. After ten minutes I calmed down. Jill lifted me up and walked into my bathroom. She sat me on the floor and sat also down behind me and now I sat between her legs. I laid back and laid my head on her shoulder. Olivia came after us in the bathroom and looked at my wounds. „you have to go to the hospital Y/N" she said. „no I don't wan't"  „Y/N baby you have to" Jill said and gave me a kiss on my head. I nodded „okay". we went to the hospital the doctors cleaned my wounds and they had to stitch three. after that we went home.

I wanted to walk to my room but Jill stopped me.
„Y/N come on you have to eat something" „no" „come on please" „no" „Y/N" „Jill NO! you don't have to tell me what I have to do!"
„Y/N" „you told me everything is going to be okay... in Houston at the Airport... you told me everything is going to be okay. But it's not. nothing is okay.YOU TOLD ME EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY!"
I screamed at her and started to cry. she pulled me in a hug and stroked my hair. „you told me everything is going to be okay" I whispered. „I'm sorry Y/N.. I'm so sorry" Jill whispered. I looked at her, and saw a tear rolling down her face. I put my hands on her face. „no I'm sorry, I shouldn't have screamed at you" I said. „it's okay, we'll get through this. together" she said and I gave her a kiss on her head.

⚠️TW end ⚠️

(a week later)

the funeral was in Germany a few days after he died. Jill and Olivia flew with me to Germany for the funeral. Jill and my mom met for the first time and they get along really well. my mom loves her. I'm still sad but it's okay. Jill helped me a lot. Olivia is a bit weird at the moment. We have training with  Arsenal again and next weekend we have a game against Everton.

we have practice right now and I saw Olivia running to the toilet and her hand is in front of her mouth. I run after her and saw that she have to throw up. „hey Liv, are you okay?" „yes" she said, washed her face and walked beside me back to the field. I grabbed her arm „hey Liv I know you don't want to, but please go to a doctor, we both know it's not normal" I said. „I know you want the best for me but be quiet. I know your grandpa died okay everyone knows that but only because you couldn't save him you don't have to tell me what is the best for me and you don't have to try to save me. I'm okay. and like I said before START TO CARE ABOUT YOUR OWN SHIT!!!!" she said and walked away. after that she told Joe that she wasn't feeling good and than she took a Uber home.

two hours later Jill and I came home too. „I'm going to the supermarket okay?" Jill said. „okay" „do you need something?" she asked. „no thanks" I answered. „okay see ya" she said gave me a kiss on my cheek and took her keys and went to the supermarket. I sat down at the table and checked Instagram on my phone, when I heard Olivia screaming my name. I run into her room. „Olivia where are you?" I said „in the bathroom" I walked into her bathroom and saw her crying „Liv what happened?" „ do you remember that one time we wen't to the club and I had something with this boy" Olivia said. „yes why?" „Y/N" she started to cry more. „tell me..what's wrong?" she gave me a white stick. I looked at it and there was two lines on it. I looked at her.

„Y/N, I'm pregnant."

Hey everyone, sorry for so long not updating. I hope you like this chapter :) have a nice day and see you soon!!

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