21. „where is she?"

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today is the 24th of December so tomorrow is Christmas. we spend the whole day outside in the snow. we're sitting at the table when Jill nieces asked me to color something with the two of them. Jill colored a picture too. Hannah and Sarah grew up speaking English and Dutch. they're 4 years old but their English is really good.
"can we call you auntie?" one of the twins looks at me. I look at Danae and Davy and they nodded then I look at Jill and she puts her arm around me and just smiles. "uhm sure if you want to" I smiled at them. they jumped up and hugged me "that's so cool now we have two aunties." "okay but now you have to go to sleep and when you guys wake up it's Christmas" Davy says looking at his daughters. "can auntie Y/N bring us to bed? and read a book?"
"sure if she want" he said and I nodded.

we laid down in bed and they cuddled into both of my sides and I read the story and then the three of us fell asleep. I woke up because I felt someone picking me up. I lifted my head and realized that it was Jill "go back to sleep love" she says kissing my head.

Jill POV
after an hour Danae and I decided to check on them. When we opened the door we see the three of them sleeping. It makes me smile because it looks so cute.
my sister in law made a picture of them and posted it on her story with the caption
"they love their new auntie"  and she tagged me, Davy and Y/N. I know the fandom is gonna freak out but we love to freak the fandom out. after that I picked Y/N up and laid her down in our bed and went back downstairs. "you know that I have never seen you that happy" my dad says and the others nod. "she makes me happy" "you love her" "I do" "well we love her too."

I'm waking up. Shaking. it was a dream. just a bad dream Y/N. I can't breathe. I feel tears streaming down my face. I'm panicking. "hey baby what is wrong" Jill puts her hand on my face wiping the tears away. "I.....I... I can't..I" "hey shh calm down" she lays my head on her chest "it was just a dream... you're here with me. I'm with you it's gonna be okay" she says. I listen to her heartbeat and calm down. shortly after that I fell asleep.

I'm standing in front of the mirror brushing my hair "do you wanna talk about what happened tonight?" Jill asks me „no I just had a bad dream.. and panicked like the last few months it's the same it doesn't stop... but I'm thankful you're here" I say giving her a kiss and continue brushing my hair.
„you know what I kinda wanna color my hair" I say „what ? which color?" „I don't know yet"
„baby I told you that 100 times please don't ...I love your hair" in that second we hear a knock on the door. „auntie Jill auntie Y/N are you awake??"
„yes" Jill and I answer at the same time then the door opens. it's the twins. „come on hurry it's Christmas we want our presents" Sarah takes Jill's hand and Hannah mine and leading us downstairs.
at first Hannah and Sarah are getting their presents. they got a lot.

„here" Jill's mom gives me a box „oh you didn't have to" I say „just open it babe" Jill says smiling at me. when I open it it's a beautiful chain with an R. I remember this chain Jill has the same one. „everyone of us has this chain..." Jill's mom says and everyone shows me their chain. „it's so beautiful" I say „welcome to the family" Boyd says.
„thank you guys" I say. Jill takes the box out of my hand and put the chain around my neck then she kissed me. „I love you" „I love you too" I say and give her the present I bought her. „omg you bought me the basketball jersey I wanted" Jill screams „ I mean you're annoying me with it since 3 months" I laugh „thank you baby" she picks me up. „omg Jill stop" I say laughing. „I also have a present for you" she says and gives me an envelope. I look at her. „Come on open it." I open the envelope and  can't believe what she got me. „you did not" I look at her and start to cry. „I did" she smirks at me and pulls me into a hug. „what is it?" Jill's sister in law asks. „it's a trip to Orlando because I know how much Y/N misses her hometown and she wasn't there for a long time and I wanna see where the love of my life grew up sooo.."
she says. and I start blushing. „we can go there whenever we want" „thank you" I kiss her.

It's New Years. my first New Years with Jill. I'm kinda excited to be honest. it's a minute before midnight.

„our first New Years kiss are you excited?" Jill smirks at me „I am"

Jill puts on hand on my chin and one on my waist and starts to kiss me. I put my hands around her neck
0 happy new year!!
we're kissing for a few seconds and then I break apart. „happy new year" „happy new year baby"
after an hour we went back inside. Jill locks the door and pushed me against it and kissed me but this time she put more feelings into the kiss. I knew where this is going. „Jill we can't do this here"
„we can the walls are thick and you just need to be quiet" she winks at me. „well you have to be quiet"

well it was a long night and luckily no one heard us....

(time skip)

yesterday I came back from my first national team camp this year and Jill is coming back today.
I'm with Beth right now sitting in the kitchen when the door opens. „hey" it's Jill she comes over gives me a kiss and then gives Beth a hug. dvd is also there she gives her wife a kiss and then me a hug.

Daan and Jill are both not in a that good mood they lost their game with the national team. Jill had a chance to score but missed it. we wanted to have a chill evening but that turned out different...

we drank a bit alcohol.. well Daan and Jill did. I just drank one shot but that doesn't made me drunk.. well now I wish I were drunk.  Beth didn't drank.. which was weird because normally she drinks but I don't know.

after a while Daan and Jill started arguing about the game. „you should've scored" dvd screams at Jill „I'm sorry but it wasn't only my fault that we lost! it was also yours" Jill fires back  „why are you even a professional player when you can't even score easy goals?" in that second Jill stood up and makes her way over to dvd. both Beth and I stood up and walked in front of them. „babe stop" I look Jill in the eyes. „mind your own business Y/N" she looks down at me since she's taller than me. „Jill let's go to bed it was a long day" I say. „you don't get to tell me what to do Y/N ! mind your own fucking business!! not everyone is playing for the freaking best rated national team in the world. I'm even wondering why they let you play! you're psycho!! you're always crying!! you get panic attacks all the time and you're depressed as fuck and everything you touch is dead. I mean everyone dies in your messed up life !everyone who's with you needs to be scared that they don't die. It's no surprise what your ex fiancée did to you Y/N!!
so shut up and mind your own fucking business before I do something to you" she says. I look at her tears streaming down my face.
and Jill's face went from mad to shock. I think she just realized what she said.

„ I think we should go" Beth says and I see that Beth and Daan are also shocked. „no you stay here. I'm leaving" I say grab my phone,my car keys and jacket, put on my shoes and walk out of the house.
I heard Jill screaming after me but I ignored it.

Jill POV
„Y/N! babe! please I don't mean it" I screamed but she ignored me. I looked at Beth and Daan. they're both shocked.

omg Jill what did you do

I called her million times but she's not answering.

after a while Daan and Beth left.

I was up the whole night.

I was crying and screaming at myself.

I'm so stupid.

it was 10 am when the door rang.
I opened the door and it's Sofia Y/N's manager.
„Jill, I'm here to pick up Y/N's stuff" she says with no expression on her face.

„where is she?"

second update for today!! I hope u like it :)

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