008. sleepover

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"arabella," he knocked on her apartment door again, "open, my hands hurting and i'm hungry." timothée said as he knocked at her door once again. finally, he heard some shuffling and a door opening. timothee's eyes were met with hers.

arabella ushered him in, "shit sorry i was watching netflix." he nods in response  and sits down on her couch along with her. "i don't feel like walking anywhere." she says grabbing the remote to turn on a show, timothee watches her, "that's fine, i can postmates something? what do you want." he asks grabbing his phone and going into the app.

she hums thinking of what to get, "what about mcdonalds?" she asks, "mm sure, you want like nuggets or a burger?" he orders his food while she answers. 

"chicken nuggets obviously, what am i an animal." she questions, "what about this movie?" she points to the tv which was showing the movie 'the social network', timothee stares at the tv before answeing.

"you and your andrew obsession, i swear." he laughs as he remembers andrew's in the movie. arabella acts innocent, "oh he's in the movie? i didn't know." she laughs with him. 

timothee finishes the postmates order and shows arabella, "this correct?" she looks at the screen and checks the order, "yep."

arabella presses play on the movie as they wait for their food. 

once it arrived they thanked the delivery person and ate, while continuing their movie. after the social network ended, after much debate, they watched 13 reasons why till the sun went down. 

seeing at it was getting late, timothee got up. "where are you going?" she asked seeing as she was comfy and didn't want to follow him. "i'm going to leave, before it gets too cold to walk."

arabella rolls her eyes, "dude, it's freezing out there." timothee shrugged, "eh, i got a jacket."

finally, bella got up to grab timmys hand, "you're not going out in the cold, you can stay here. don't be an idiot." she says leading him back to the couch and throwing him a blanket. he grabs the blanket and looks at her, "you sure? i can like get a thing called uber." she hushed him and played the show once more.

during their movie night they some how got close together under a blanket.neither minded. they kept each other warm, and gave each other company. the two soon fells asleep on the couch.

timothee was the first to wake up only to find her asleep on his chest. he wondered if he should be a dick and wake up, but decided to be nice and let her sleep. he could admit, arabella was gorgeous but they couldn't date. 

timmy got up to use the bathroom, and on his way back saw that bella was awake. "hi bella." he said watching her rub her eyes, "you left, now i'm not comfy. get back." she demanded half awake half asleep. 

he ignored her and went into the kitchen to make coffee. "you fucking suck." bella said as she noticed he wasn't coming back. 

walking to the couch with two cups of coffee in hand, timothee hands one to arabella. "here, it'll wake you up." after groaning and swearing arabella sat up and grabbed her coffee. taking a sip she was surprised to see that it was actually good. timothee noticed her face, "what is it not good?" 

"no, it was good. i'm just surprised." she confessed drinking some more. "that's what they all say." he bragged. 

arabella flipped him off, "you're too cocky," she mumbled into her mug. "i know i am. anyways, what do you want to do today? maybe we can go to lunch or something." he asked as he scrolled through his phone.

arabella moved next to sit beside him, "i don't know, wanna see what millie's up to?" 

timothee nodded as she grabbed her phone to facetime millie, "hii mills." she screamed as millie answered. "hi bella!" millie screamed back.

"hello to you too millie." timothee said looking at the camera. "what are you doing."

"millieee" bella mumbled, "stop texting finn and answer." milled sighed, "i wasn't texting him, well i am now." the two rolled their eyes at millie. 

"i'm in la, you idiots." millie answered. bella's mouth hung open, "how the fuck did you get their so fast? you were just in new york." they laughed, "there's this thing called a plane." timothee explained sarcastically earning a push from arabella. 

"yeah no kidding dipshit, anyways, i'll talk to you later mills, love you!" millie returned the love before ending the call. 

"well that was no luck." they both said. 

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