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On partially grassy dessert lands, where the Sky Kingdom meets the Kingdom of Sand, there was a small village. The village had undergone many name changes over the years, but at the moment it was called Possibility. The dragons there seemed to like that name, it gave them hope for a world without war. But there was still war, and it was war that had chased Kestrel and Peril into the small village of Possibility. Lucky for them all tribes were welcome there, although at the moment it was mostly SandWings and SkyWings. It was closer to their territory after all.

Peril rested out the back of the house she and Kestrel had bought recently. It wasn't very big, with only just enough room for the two of them, but it worked. The sun was a mix of many colours before the sun disappeared. It was purple, blue, orange and pink all at once. It was beautiful. She never bothered watching the sun set in the Sky Kingdom, she was always too busy with her snout stuck in a scroll, not that she had even really liked reading. It was just a way to pass time. Most SkyWings would spar or watch the arena battles, but Peril didn't like to do either of those. She'd much rather be where she was now, watching the sunset. She wondered if Pitaya was seeing the same sunset as her, wherever he was. 

The door of their house opened behind her, and Kestrel came out. She could tell not only by Kestrel's footsteps, but by the strange dangling things that always jingled when the door moved. They was strange, but in a way she kind of like them.

"Morrowseer contacted me before we reach this excuse of a town." Kestrel said, and Peril wondered why she was telling her this, "He told me the dragonets are in danger."

That caught the fireless SkyWing's attention, "Are they alright? Should we go help them?"

Kestrel only chuckled, "What could you and I possibly do to help them? And besides, I think it was ruse to lure me out of hiding. Morrowseer is up to something, and with luck we can stay out of it. They don't know we're here, and if you keep your snout shut about where we came from, they never will."

"Ok." She agreed.

Peril could do that. She could throw away her life before Possibility for her not just for her mother's safety, but for her own safety too. After she and her brother had gone seperate ways, her life and Kestrel's life seemed to matter a lot more than before. She wanted to live long enough to see her brother again, no matter what it took to do so. Hell, she'd even fight in Queen Scarlet's arena if she had to to stay alive. It was strange what separation did to dragons, but Peril liked strange.

She rose to her feet and yawned, "Weeeell, we should probably head back inside. What's for dinner?"

"Scorpions." Kestrel stated simply, following the dragonet into the house.

"Awww, but they taste funny." Peril complained like a dragonet half her age would.

"Deal with it." Was her mother's response, and although she said it harshly the fireless SkyWing knew that deep down Kestrel did love her.

Why else would she have agreed to take her in, to feed her and keep her warm and safe. If Kestrel didn't love her, Peril doubted they'd be in Possibility at all. Her mother probably would've agreed to meet with Morrowseer to discuss the dragonets if she didn't love Peril enough to stay with her. Kestrel served her dinner on their worn-down table.

"What do you think the dragonets are doing right now?" Peril thought out loud.

"Those idiots? They're probably in the Rainforest by now, looking for Lily's family. I doubt they'll find any answers there." Kestrel replied honestly, and her honesty was perhaps one of her only redeeming qualities.

"They might find answers." Peril said optimistically, "They might find White Lily has a brother like I do. Or maybe a sister. Maybe her parents have been looking for her for years and now they've finally found her!"

Kestrel scoffed, "Only a fool would believe that."

And although Peril was the one to suggest the idea, she knew that Kestrel was right. She could feel it in her gut. Something dark and sinister was awaiting the dragonets and her brother in the rainforest, or maybe her gut just disagreed with the scorpions she was eating. Who knew.

"Yeah, you're probably right." The younger SkyWing agreed, "I can't help but feel-" She cut herself off, "You know what, never mind. I think I'm going to go to bed early. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight Peril." Kestrel responded, her voice surprisingly soft.

Peril headed into the next room and collapsed onto her bed. She sure did feel tired, that's for sure. Closing her eyes, sleep soon crawled its way to her. She tried to fight it, but soon enough she succumbed into a nightmare filled sleep. 

In the end, Peril was right. Many many miles away something sinister was happening in the rainforest, but that was a story for another day...

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