Chapter 1: Arrival

Começar do início

His eyes widened as he realized his mistake. "Don't worry Kudo-kun, I'm hiding from them too." I reassured him.

"Well let's talk more inside." he motioned.


"So all you remember is a dark room with people that you heard were called Gin and Vodka." Professor Agasa summarized. I nodded. Well I told a half-truth I guess. The actual truth would be really awkward for them.

"I was running away from them and crashed hard into some bricks. I'll let you know more if I remember." I promised.

"Do you know about the Apotoxin drug that shrank me?" Conan questioned.

I thought back to the anime. "It's an incomplete poison I think." Conan looked deep in thought.

"Stay still while I put these bandages on you." Haibara ordered as I sat down on the sofa.

"You can stay over at my house." Conan offered.

"T-thank you Kudo-kun. I hope it's not too much trouble. Will your parents be alright with this?" I asked.

"I have already called them. It will be easier this way since Haibara here is already living at Professor Agasa's house."

"I really appreciate it Kudo-kun. In return I'll help you in any way I can with the Organization." He was so kind to me even though he just met me. At that moment the Detective boys barged into the guest room we were in.

"Oi Hakase I told you not to let them in yet." Conan said annoyed.

"No fair Conan-kun! I want to meet neechan!" Genta cried. "I'm Genta." he motioned to himself.

"I'm Ayumi!" she chirped.

"I'm Mitsuhiko. What happened to your head?" he pointed to my bandages.

"Hi Genta-kun, Ayumi-chan, Mitsuhiko-kun. Are you also Conan-kun's friends? Don't worry I just had a slight accident. Ai-chan fixed me up." I smiled.

"Give her some space guys." Haibara scolded.

"Sorry Kaiya-neechan." Ayumi apologized.

"Do you live around here?" Mitsuhiko asked. I shook my head.

"Where are your parents then?" Genta questioned.

I looked down at my feet. "They're gone." I said quietly. I don't know if I could ever see my family again to be honest. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Haibara give me a look of understanding.

"Don't be sad neechan! The Detective Boys will be your friends! We will show you around Beika city." Ayumi chirped. Aww she's so nice.

 Aww she's so nice

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Conan POV

"Haibara do you trust her? You even let her call you by your first name." I said.

"It's fine. She doesn't know me." Haibara pouted and crossed her arms.

"I think she was running from them though. Her hair was disheveled and her clothes were out of place. She doesn't even have a phone with her." I recalled.

"Well I will keep my identity a secret for now. It's odd though. I don't get any bad vibes from her like I usually do around the other members. It is possible she was a test subject." Haibara commented.

"Let's keep an eye on her for now. She doesn't seem like a member but she knows more than she lets on." I remarked. I don't blame her though, everyone has their own secrets and she might not want to reveal them yet.

I called Jodie-sensei in private afterwards.


Kaiya POV

"You must be Kaiya Matsuki. I'm Yusaku Kudo and this is my wife Yukiko." Yusaku said as he opened the door.

"Yusaku-san, Yukiko-san nice to meet you. Thank you for letting me stay at your house." I bowed.

"Oh it's no trouble Kaiya-chan! Shin-chan has told me so much about you!" Yukiko glomped me in a hug. I gasped. She looks so stunning in person!

"You must excuse her, Yukiko always wanted to have a daughter." Yusaku laughed.

"Oi oi Kasan I'm here you know." Conan said annoyed.

Yukiko gave Conan a scary look. "There's enough boys in the house."

"And I won't let you turn Kaiya-chan into a detective." Yukiko turned to Yusaku. Heh oops too late for that...

Afterwards they gave me a tour of the house. Their study was like a mini library and I couldn't help but look at the murder mystery section.

"Just like my son, you like murder mysteries." Yusaku observed.

"I've read mostly Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie books, but I would love to read your Night Baron series. I've heard so much about those books." I replied with a grin.

"Well this study is open to you. Feel free to read any of those books." Yusaku offered. I immediately ran to the Night Baron series and Yusaku chuckled. It was every fangirl's dream.

 It was every fangirl's dream

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Yukiko POV

"Kaiya-chan, it's getting late. You should -" I stopped when I saw her asleep on the sofa with one of Yusaku's books.

"Yusaku Kudo! What did I tell you!" I whispered and a dangerous auro emitted from me.

"Ehh Yukiko" Yusaku said nervously and sweatdropped.

Transport Into Detective Conan (OC Reader Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora