"Everyone," Rigel murmured. "Everyone died."

Andromeda pulled him into a hug as Rigel tried to blink the tear-off him. "Hey it's alright, it was just a dream."

His aunt had once asked him if he could describe it through his paintings but even she too was horrified at the detail of his artwork. "Just freshen up, don't you have to pick up the future Lady Black."

Rigel flushed as Andromeda laughed. 

"How are you going to go anyway?" she asked

"I transfigured the firebolt into a car." Rigel shrugged as he got up.

"Impressive," Andromeda noted. "What car?"

"Mazda." Rigel grinned. "It was Ted's idea I'll freshen up quickly."

Quickly brushing his teeth, he dressed up in his best clothes, thanked the house-elf Polly (He recently got one for the Tonks) for packing the picnic basket, kissed Andromeda goodbye, and walked out of 12 Grimmauld place where is firebolt (in the form of a Mazda) was waiting there outside. Thanks to the Firebolt's speed, he reached Surrey in no less than half an hour where Dumbledore was talking to the Dursleys who did not look happy.

"'Ello Professor!" Rigel said cheerfully through the window. "Hey Harry, Eliza-" he turned to Vernon Dursely. "Chubby man." he stated, 

"Mr. Black excellent timing," Dumbledore said as if he hadn't insulted a man. "Now Eliza, Rigel will be driving you back to the Burrow, the car is his firebolt and charmed so is quite safe but some members of the Order will be flying overhead to keep an eye out for any trouble."

"Long story short," Rigel said as he got up. "Whats up red?"

Eliza grinned at him "Oh nothing much Black."

"So, how was your summer?" Asked Eliza as Rigel pulled out of the driveway.

"It hasn't started yet." Rigel with a wink.

Eliza rolled her eyes. "Well it's been two weeks, how's your new home?"

"Still living in Grimmauld place." Rigel shrugged. "But I don't want to talk about that."

"Why not?"

"Because I want to talk about you."

"What about me?" Asked Eliza suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"What is your favorite flower?" Rigel asked with a serious expression on his face as if he had just asked Eliza if she had any contagious diseases.

"Umm... I haven't really thought about it, why?"

"I just thought it was something I should know, we've been dating for three years now and I've never bought you flowers!"

Eliza laughed. "Are you on pain med?"

"No, I shifted to potions. Where's Dumbledore taking Harry?"

"No idea, I thought best not to ask."

"Speaking of Harry, how is he doing?"

"I'm not sure; he's not quite as dark as last summer but Sirius....he meant....we needed him."

"What about you?"

"I'm not sure, I always thought that Sirius..." Eliza trailed off trying to think how best to word how she felt, without sounding morbid.

"Sirius, what?"

"Are you having trouble sleeping," Eliza asked holding Rigel's cheek

"Coming from you." Muttered Rigel with a smirk on his face, seeing that Eliza didn't share his sense of humor he took one hand off the wheel and put his arm around her.

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