"Thank you for coming gentlemen." The mayor said while gesturing for the men to sit.

"I have a favor to ask you two, now Frank as you know we have a situation in the tunnels under the city. Now since you were the foreman on the site, I thought it would be best for you to lead a team on an expedition back underground and see what's really happening."

"Thank you for the vote of confidence sir, and to be honest with you I'm not convinced that there isn't anyone still trapped down there." "I feel somewhat responsible for that, so I am ready to go back down there."

"Thank you Frank, I appreciate your dedication to the city and its people. Henry, I need your talents as well. You're one of the best draftsmen in the city. I'm going to need someone to map out all this madness that's going on down there." The mayor paused.

"The police department has volunteered their swat teams, so you both will be escorted by the best officers in the city." The mayor paused again.

"Well I guess there's no way to turn down that offer, I can go down there and give you an idea of what's going on." Stone plainly stated.

"Your city thanks you gentlemen, and Godspeed on your mission. The swat team will be waiting by the entrance to the underground catacombs. Thank you again for your service gentlemen." The mayor finished as he shook their hands.


The swat team was checking their weapons when the two men showed up, everyone seemed anxious at what was happening down below. The men waited patiently while the team finished their routine. After a few minutes one of the men stepped forward and approached the city workers.

"Gentlemen, I'm Captain Foster, and I'm in charge of this mission. Now I need you two to stay in the middle of the group as we sweep on ahead. Our job is to get you two back out, and as long as you pay attention and do as I say, we will get you back in one piece." The Captain nodded at the men and returned to his men.

The Captain motioned to the two city men, "Please join us, we are going to head in." The Captain barked at Frank and Stone.

Down into the tunnels they proceeded, the natural light from above soon faded into blackness, the small group turned the corner and was greeted by a wash of light. The lighting equipment was still up and working from the earlier excavations. The group traveled down the tunnels, led by Frank's directions, toward the place where he had seen the humanoids last. The pace was slow, but they encountered no resistance either, until they rounded a bend and the Captain raised his fist, and the group stopped. From the shadows they could hear loud chewing sounds and the tearing of clothes and flesh. A small light skinned creature was eating the corpse of one of the city workers. As if sensing their presence, the small creature turned and growled at the group of men. With a flick of the wrist the Captain gave the men the command to fire, and the darkness was lit up by gunfire and the sound echoed loudly through the chambers.

The creature fell, being struck by several bullets, black fluids ran out of the bullet holes and pooled on the floor. The officers confirmed the beast was dead, its cold eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Shaggy hair covered most of the body, dirt caked the face and limbs. This thing definitely spent its life underground. Without another word, the group moved on, deeper into the system below the city. Stone continued to take notes and some rough sketches as the group trudged on.

Soon the group got to the point where the light stopped and the shaft that led to the antechamber lay before them. Frank got the Captain's attention to relay the directions. "So we travel down the right tunnel and after fifty yards or so there will be an opening on the right. That is the antechamber where I first saw the creatures. Also there's no light from here on in." Frank explained to the Captain.

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