The firsf time kurumada went to hayasaka's flat

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" okay he said this was his number-" the door cracked open and he saw a grayish blue eye peek through and then the door opened all the way kurumada gave his stressed out boyfriend a hug and kiss and walked into the flat that was surprisingly neat then kurumada heard a low hiss from under the couch " the hell is that?"
" oh that's lily" the cat had lilac eyes that were almost the opposite of naomichi's and it was a really fluffy gray cat that didn't seem to like naomichi that much kurumada was more of a dog person but could live with this
Kurumada and shunsuke just decided to watch a horror movie simply because it made shunsuke cling to kurumada more the cat watched the movie as well occasionally coming up to sit next to shunsuke and kurumada as shunsuke was sitting in kurumadas lap while watching the movie and even letting kurumada pet it for the first time
By the end of the week the cat and kurunada where practically best friends and the cat would wait everyday by the door at the same time for kurumada to come back

Yttd headcanons and stuff Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ