Groupchat arc 1

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Naomichi: hey fuckheads
Shunsuke: ?
Naomichi: not you
Hinako: ship lol
Kanna: :D
Naomichi: .
Shunsuke: Kgkkdhddksh
Sara: tell me why joe just put toothpaste on toast 😦
Joe: it's healthy... I think
Reko: abt to go try it brb
Nao: omg
Sara: well go get her you guys live in the same apartment right?!
Nao im covered in paint, paint is smudged on my phone as I type
Reko: joe you are a bold face lie
Joe: how?!
Reko: this taste like shit
Joe: never said it tasted good 😆
Gin: yeah I threw it in the trash!
Kai- qtaro you saw him walk downstairs with a tube of toothpaste & didn't say a word?
Qtaro: no
Naomichi: bro 💀
Kanna x hinako

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