Wedding bells

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Four months later

Ginny tugged on the skirt of the dress while Hermione straightened the top. The floral lace that covered the dress waved with my every movement.

"I'm so glad ya'll are here to help me. Otherwise, I would probably be a nervous wreck."

"God, Hawthorne, you are so American." I heard George from outside the door.

"What do you want, George?" Ginny called through the door.

"People are coming, it's almost time."

"Alright. Give us a minute." I checked my hair in the mirror and sighed.

"Alright. I'm ready." I walked out of the room and found Scorpius waiting for me.

"You ready, little man?" Scorpius nodded, grinning. I took his hand, and we walked out of the small building and onto the petal covered aisle. Draco stood at the other end of the aisle, smiling back at me. The people sitting on either side of the aisle dissappeared from my vision as I smiled at him. It was just me, Draco and Scorpius as we slowly made our way down the aisle. When we made it to the end , Scorpius went to stand next to his dad. I turned to face Draco, the smile in his eyes warming my heart. Harry was officiating, and to my surprise, there were no dirty looks between him and Draco.

"Draco Malfoy. Do you take this woman-"

"I do." Draco answered, not letting Harry finish.

"Please say your vows." Draco grabbed my hands,

"Arya Hawthorne, from the moment we met, you took my breath away. That day In the alley, and then that day on the street, in a much more literal sense." He gave me a significant look and I laughed. "Even today, when I saw you, I couldn't help thinking that you were even more beautiful than the day we met. You are the strongest woman I have ever met, and I can't wait for you to be part of my sons life. I promise that through every high and every low, I will always be there for you. No matter what this life throws at us, I will stand by your side. I love you." I smiled as he said a beautiful diamond ring on My finger

"Arya Hawthorne, do you take this-"

"I do."

"Please say your vows."

"Draco, ever since hogwarts, everyone has told me how much of an asshole you were. And in the beginning, you kinda were. But then I got to know you I fell in love. And when I met your son." I looked down at Scorpius. "I fell in love with him too. I'm so happy I get to be part of your lives. I swear that for the rest of our lives, I will be there for you. No matter what. I love you both." I put the simple metal band on his finger. I knelt down to Scorpius and said,
" I promise, I am going to love your Daddy every day for the rest of our lives, and I will be there for the two of you as long as I live." Scorpius smiled and hugged me and I hugged him back. He let go and I stood as Harry continued.

"If there is anyone who objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." No one spoke up, so Harry continued,
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may-" before he even finished talkikg,, I leaned in and kissed Draco. While Harry mumbled

"Why am I even here?" Suddenly I heard a deep voice call my name. I turned to see Sage. Without thinking,  I summoned my wand with an accio spell and pointed it at him.

"Sectumsempra!" Blood began to soak through his already battered and dirty shirt. He collapsed to the floor. Gasps erupted from the crowd, and luckily, everyone there was a wizard,  otherwise, we would have had an issue. Ministry Aurors rushed in, one of them healed Sage while the others bound his hands. Once he was healed, try pulled him to his feet as he screamed at me. The aurors congratulated us and dragged Sage out. I turned back to Draco, who was looking at Harry with disdain.

"Draco..." He turned back to me, and in his eyes, I saw fear. He said,

"I'll tell you later." In a quiet whisper. But by the way he was looking at Harry, I had a feeling I knew what was wrong. I nodded and he asked,

"Where were we?" I kissed him, my arm wrapped around the back of his neck. Sage was finally gone for good, and I was married to the guy of my dreams.

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