Diagon Alley

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Any names you don't recognize are either made up by me or you don't know canon. Any names that resemble any of you or anyone you know I sincerely apologize. I just randomly came up with names. If you message me I will change the name

TW: There is a scene that includes sexual content and indirect references to rape

As I walked down the crowded street, I glanced into each shop, remembering when I came shopping here for my first year as a Hogwarts student. Having graduated years ago, it feels good to reminisce a little. as I smile at the children admiring the newest broom model from a shop window, I bumped into someone walking  in the opposite direction. We both fall to the stone path. and I apologized

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and-" 

"Yeah well maybe you should." Instantly, simply by the way he talked, I could tell he was a Slytherin. We stood simultaneously, and our eyes suddenly met. His silvery eyes suddenly grow wide as he hastily apologizes. Fixing his now messy white hair.

"Sorry, I-"

"Save it Slytherin." His eyes narrow again, before his expression changed to a smug smirk.

"Gryffindor then?" I nodded. He held out his hand and said, "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Simply for the sake of being polite, I shook his hand. But inside I was cringing.

"Arya Hawthorn. I recognize your name. Hermione told me about you." His expression hardened.

"Granger? You know that Mudblood?"

"Yeah, we met during fourth year. She told me a lot about you Malfoy. Including what happened in third year." I looked at him smugly, and his cheeks flushed in annoyance and embarrassment


"See you around Malfoy." I turned around and walk away from him, deciding to go see George at the shop, and hopefully I would see Ron and Hermione with their kids, Rose and Hugo. Maybe Harry would be there too. Draco called after me and without looking back I make a rather unkind gesture and keep walking. as I approached the store, the bright lights and loud sounds echoed throughout the busy alley. As I enter through the door,  I saw that the store was extremely crowded, but as I made my way through, I saw red hair and recognize Ginny's bright eyes as she spoke to a customer. I walked up behind her, and tap her shoulder, she turned around and beamed at me.


"Hey Ginny!" she hugged me tightly and then steps back and turns around and calls out to Hermione. She comes running and lunges at me, hugging me tightly.

"Arya! It's so good to see you! what are you doing here? I thought you had gone to the Americas!"

"I moved back last week and was taking a stroll down memory lane. Or alley, rather."

"You even sound like an American." My friends laughed. and I laughed along with them. Ron then approached and I gave him a quick hug.

"Ron! It's good to see you."

"And you, Arya you American."

"Ron." I laughed. "It is good to be back, but not everything has been good, I just ran into Malfoy." Hermione  wrinkled her nose.
"How did it go?"
"Just as arrogant as you told me."
"It's a miracle you never ran into him at school." Ron said, sounding a bit jealous.
"That's what happens when you spend all your time with your face buried in a book. Ginny laughed. Harry must have heard all the commotion, because when he reached the top of the staircase and saw me, his eyes lit up. He ran downstairs, and George was hot on his heels. Harry threw his arms around me while George just punched my arm.

"The whole gang is back together!" Harry exclaimed with excitement.

"Well, most of us." George looked to his left, sadness in his eyes. He looked back at me and looked me over.

"Bloody hell Hawthorne, when did you get so tall?" I laughed, I was almost taller than him. and I tousled his red hair.

"I don't know George, people grow tall." I looked at Harry, "Or at least most people." The group gasped and Harry looked at me in mock offense. Although I could see the smile in his eyes. We all broke out laughing.

"So how've you been?" The sound of people talking in the store had grown so loud that I could barely hear myself talk.


"I asked- You know what-" I raised my voice above the crowd and shouted. "ALRIGHT! EVERYONE OUT! THE STORE IS CLOSED!" There were sounds of people grumbling as they left the store and George watched in annoyance and shock.

"Hawthorne! This is going to wreck my sales!"

"Oh don't whine." I turned back to harry and asked again, "I asked how you have been."

"Well, I've been well. Everything's been quiet except for..." He looked at Ginny, who had her hand on her stomach. After a moment, I realized what had happened and I beamed.

"OH MY GOD! Congratulations!"

"Thanks." Ginny smiled widely. Even George, Hermione, and Ron looked surprised.

"You know what, Let's go to the leaky cauldron, Drinks on me." The group cheered and we all walked off together through the crowds.

Below the Surface   (Draco X Arya)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora