Behind the Smirk

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The search that day turned up with nothing, but I wasn't too discouraged. I had a date tonight, and I couldn't be more excited. As we left work, Draco walked me home, just like every night, but as I turned to go inside, he grabbed my wrist and I flinched, pulling away.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't think! I'm sorry." He continued to apologize but I stopped him.

"Draco, stop. It's alright. You just scared me."

"No, I shouldn't have grabbed you like that, especially knowing what you've been through-" I didn't hesitate, I walked right up and kissed him. He stopped talking and leaned into the kiss. After a moment I stepped back and said,

"Are you ready to ready to shut up and listen?" He nodded, still looking stunned.

"Look, I know you didn't mean to scare me or hurt me. It's really alright."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, No go, I have to get ready, I'll see you at seven."

"As long as you're-"


"Alright, alright I'm leaving" I smiled and walked back inside and stopped when I realized, that I HAD JUST  KISSED DRACO! I smiled to myself and then rushed to get ready.

I heard a knock at the door at seven and answered the door. Draco stood there in a tux, and he smiled.

"Ms. Hawthorne."

"Mr. Malfoy" I smiled back as he offered me his hand and I took it. "So where is dinner tonight?"

"Fine dining."

"Ooh fancy. We walking?"

 He  pulled out his wand. "It's a bit further this time." He held out his hand and I took it, and we were whisked away, a split second later we stood in front of fine dining. We walked inside and Draco said to the receptionist,

"Malfoy, reservation for two." 

"Right this way. She led us up a few flights of stairs to the roof, where a single table sat, overlooking the city. The rooftop was lined with candles and in the center of the table sat a beautiful bouquet of roses.

 the receptionist said,

"Someone will be up to take your order shortly." We thanked her and she walked back downstairs. I walked to the edge of the rooftop and looked out at the city, We were a few miles from the Thames and I saw the moonlight glistening on what little water was left. I heard a chair being moved and I turned to see Draco pulling out a chair for me. I smiled and walked over to sit down. Draco sat down in the chair across from me and smiled. Before he could say anything, I asked,

"So we've talked about me, What about you? What was life like at Malfoy Manner?"
A waitress came up and took our order and when she left, Draco answered

"Well- Um-, Not really good. You know, growing up, all I wanted was for my dad to be proud of me. But no matter what I did, I was never good enough."

"Wow, that sounds awful-"

"So I did everything I could to make people at school fear me, because everyone feared my dad, so if I was like him..."


"Look, can we just change the subject?"


As I looked at Draco, our eyes met, and I saw the pain in his eyes. The longing to be accepted by someone, anyone. I grabbed his hand from across the table and he flinched back, looking away, I looked at him sympathetically and grabbed his hand again. "Draco, look at me." he met my gaze again and I squeezed his hand. "You don't need to prove anything to anyone, especially your dad." A tear rolled down his cheek and I wiped it away. "I didn't want any of it. To be a death eater, none of it." We were both broken. Broken by our past, and the people in our lives.

"I know." 

"Hey, can- can we get out of here?" I nodded, and we stood, hand in hand, walking down the stairs and out of the restaurant.

When we got outside, I turned to look Draco in the eye. 

"Thank you for telling me all of that Draco."

'You told me about your past, and it felt right to tell you." I leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. he smiled and asked,

"Why don't we take this to my place?"

"Hell yeah."

Below the Surface   (Draco X Arya)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя