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That night, I spent the night at Draco's, it wasn't the luxury mansion I had expected. But I loved the small, quaint apartment. Scorpius had already gone to bed and Draco paid the babysitter. So we had the house to ourselves. We spent the night on his couch talking about my childhood and his years at Hogwarts. He stopped talking after telling me about his 6th year. I didn't push it, I knew what happened with the Death Eaters, and I knew how hard it would be for him to talk about it. So instead he pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. By midnight, the bottle was empty, and I could barely sit up straight.

"All right. I'd better get home..." I slurred

"Oh no no no. I'm not letting you walk home like this."

"Well what else ami gonna do? Don't worry, I'll be fine." I stood and tried to take a step, but I tripped over my own feet and fell. Draco caught me and said,

"You are gonna stay here." Before I could respond, I passed out.

I woke up early the next morning in an unfamiliar room. I quickly sat up and threw off the covers, panicked. I ran down the stairs and was looking at Draco's living room. I calmed down a little, but panicked when I didn't see Draco. I ran back up the stairs and back into the room I had woken up in, but Draco wasn't there either. Confused, I turned around to see Draco standing shirtless behind me.
"Morning." He said as I blushed furiously.
"Uh- good morning. Did I uh-?"
"Sleep with me? No, I slept on the couch."
"I could have slept on the couch. How did I get up there anyway?"
"I carried you..." I blushed again.
"I gotta get home and change for work I have a good feeling we are going to catch this guy today." Draco walked to the dresser and grabbed a dress shirt and green tie. He pulled them on and said,
"I'll go with you. We've got a while."
"Alright." Draco Grabbed my wand off the side table and handed it to me.

"Beautiful wand, what's it made of?" I ran my hand along the rough surface of the grey wand.

"It's got a dragon heartstring core. How about yours?" I'd seen the wand, it was simple, but powerful.

"Unicorn hair." I smiled.

"Impressive." I brandished my wand, and draco did the same. and with a flash of swirling white light we were transported back to my front porch. I used my key to unlock the door as Draco finished buttoning his shirt.

"Come on in and make yourself at home, I won't be long." My apartment was a little more modern with white, marble wallks and geometric style furniture. I'd been meaning to redecorate,but hadn't had the chance. I changed quickly and came back downstairs to see Draco holding a letter in his hands. He heard me coming and held it up so that I could see the seal. I finished descending the stairs and saw the yellow seal. I took a step back, almost tripping on the bottom step.

"It's from him, isn't it?" I nodded, trying to hide my frigthtened tears.

"Did you open it?"

"No. Should I?" I hesitated. Then nodded. He broke the seal and pulled out the letter. "Do you want to read it?" I shook my head vigourously.and Draco began to read the letter aloud. "Arya You shouldn't have ignored and destroyed my last letter, now we have a situation on our hands. You're going out with another guy, and a building in london has been destroyed. I don't want to destroy the wizarding world, but if that is what it takes for us to be together, so be it. Oh, and tell that new little boyfriend of yours to back off, you're mine, and don't ever forget it." I broke down, my legs buckled underme and I began to sob.

"It was him, that day at the Thames. He did it. And he's watching me, he knows I tore his last letter."

"That little bitch-"I heard Draco grumble through gritted teeth.

"Draco, what are we going to do? He walked over and helped me to my feet, and with determination in his eyes he said,

"We're gonna catch this motherfucker"

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