Ew gay

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(A/n: this chapter is literally just smut, if you're not into that skip this chapter. The story makes sense without it.)

Sals pov:

Travis and I were really about to have our second make out session on the floor of a school bathroom.

I should push him off. This guy has been a dick to me for years. I should hate him. I do hate him. Right? But... the way his breath felt on my face... I sure as fuck didn't hate that.

"Are you.. are you sure?" I said heavily.

"I'm sure."

His lips were on mine. It wasn't like last time. It wasn't full of lust or just a warm up for what was what to come. This.. this was real. I was really kissing Travis Phelps. Holy fuck.

He leaned into me, placing a desperate hand on my leg. I could feel the tears from his face on my own as he kept pressing. Oh, Jesus, I was making out with a bawling pastors son. Bright idea, sal.

I gently Pushed him back, but his face stayed close to mine, breathing slowly and shakily.

"Travis, your going to regret this is in an hour. We should stop."
"No, I won't. I need a distraction. I need you to help me forget... the pain, my dad,... my name."

Fuck. That went straight... downstairs.

This time my lips met his. I had never really kissed anyone other than ash for any reason other than hooking up, and with her it was a one time thing where she was too nice to tell me she didn't feel that way about me until after. I hoped the scars on my lips didn't feel weird.

Travis deepened the kiss, opening his mouth wider, and dragging a hand into my hair. Apparently they didn't feel that weird.

I moved my mouth against his, he seemed surprised when my tongue was in his mouth, but with the moan he let out, I figured out pretty quick that he wasn't objecting.

Travis threw a leg over my lap, straddling me, and making the semi hard ons in both of our pants noticeable to the other person. I felt a grin come to my face as Travis kept kissing, growing more desperate by the second. It wasn't long before I felt him palming me through my pants.

Then, his lips still never leaving mine, he dragged a shaky hand to the hem of my jeans, struggling with the button a tad before I helped him out. I felt bad for a second, but my need for release was over powering that. I was a horny teenaged boy, after all.

The blonde boy gasped as I removed my lips from his.

"Close your eyes." I said against his neck.

"Why?" He breathed back, struggling to get ahold of himself. Fuck that was hot.

"You want to forget your name, don't you?"

Travis moaned slightly, closing his eyes tight.
Before he could change his mind I had him against the wall, and was taking off his slacks. It was a matter of time before I had his length in my spit covered hand.

He threw his head back and let out a moan that seemed to make me harder (if that was possible) before bucking his hips into my grasp. I slowed down, immediately, realizing this was probably the first time he had done something like this. I wanted to make it last.

Travis was clutching his thighs as I pumped my hand slowly. My heart dropped when I noticed what he was trying to cover up. Burns littered his tan legs, showing up stark against his skin. It was obvious they were there on purpose.

I decided not dwell on it. That conversation could wait tell later and it's not like I was his boyfriend or anything. Why should I can what he does in his free time?

I lowered my head, so I was breathing on his member.

"Ah, lord in heaven." Travis moaned, forcing his hips toward me.

"You can open them."

I didn't wait to see if he would before I wrapped my mouth around the tip of his cock.

"Oh my lord, fuck." Travis gasped. I felt his hand in my hair, forcing me down. I bobbed my head, looking up occasionally to see the blondes eyes rolling into the back of his head as his hand clutched, moans of pleasure escape his mouth. God, he was sensitive.

I let him force me down one more time. A guttural moan escaped Travis as I felt him shoot ropes down the back of my throat.

After letting him ride it out, I sat up, wiping the cum off my chin. Travis looked at me, bruised face in a mix of shock and pleasure.

"We're going to hell." He half laughed half sighed, throwing a hand up to brush back his sweaty hair. It looked hot wet.

I giggled, before planting a kiss on his lips.

"Probably." I breathed.

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