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Sals pov:
I swear to god, I was gonna jump off the roof before I got through the school day. I forgot to take my meds this morning and I literally was gonna puke in 12.4 seconds if my mind didn't start working. It would be nice to not have to stuff my brain full of that shit to be able to function, but I think we're a little past that.

I groggily stared at my open locker. I knew I needed more than I had in my arms for study hall, but without my pain meds, my brain was clouded. We didn't have bio homework, did we?

I didn't get a lot of time to wonder because, just then, my locker door was slammed shut in front of my face. I groaned. I thought I got rid of this Asshole. I turned to face him.

"Jesus fucking Christ, what happened to you?" I said without meaning to.

Travis looked like hell. He was sporting two black eyes, along with various other bruises and cuts on his face. The hickies I left on his neck had been covered by bruises, but the worst was his nose. It looked like he got hit by a bus or some shit. The white bandage covering it couldn't conceal how crooked it had gotten.

"We need to talk." He hissed, "Can you come to the bathroom?"

That was an interesting way to greet me after being gone from school for like a week. It was kind of odd he was asking and not just grabbing me and taking me in there. I guess that was a good sign.

"Yeah, I guess, but we have study hall in like-"
I didn't get to finish. Travis grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the gender neutral bathroom, which was also the handicap bathroom, and the one our school had teen moms use because there was a changing table.

He turned around to lock the door as I stumbled into the paper towel dispenser on the far wall. I steadied myself.

"Christ, dude. So what did you want to-"

"You are such a fucking idiot." His works cut threw the air.

Ok, nice.

"What are you talking about?"

"What am i talking about??" Travis asked exasperated, "My fucking neck. My dad saw. Do you know how screwed I am?"

I couldn't help but let out a snicker. That was a mistake. Travis shoved my shoulders, knocking me into the paper towels once again. I could tell he did it because he was frustrated, and not because he wanted to hurt me.

"What the fuck is so funny? He's gonna kill me." Hot tears were streaming down Travis's face. Something about the way he said that made my stomach drop. There wasn't a hint of exaggeration or sarcasm in his voice. He backed away, and into the wall opposite from me, more tears coming down.

Then it clicked.

"Travis, did he do that?" I asked, gesturing to his bruised face.

Travis's face answered my question pretty well. He stared at the ground, jaw clenched.

Everyone in Nockfell viewed Kenneth phelps as a pretty upstanding guy. When Todd was talking about him hitting Travis, I assumed he just meant the occasional disciplinary outbursts. I  mean Travis got in a lot of fights, all of those bruises couldn't of come from just his dad, right? But seeing what he looked like right now, and how terrified he seemed at his dads mention, I was beginning to suspect the pastor might not be as upstanding as I once thought.

"Travis, I'm so sorr-"

"I don't need your pity, dick." His face shot up. "It's your fault. If he never would of saw my neck, he never would of asked about them, and wouldn't know that I'm g-... he wouldn't know that I kissed a guy." Travis slid down the bathroom wall, sitting in a heap when he got to the floor. I could tell he was trying to hid the edge in his voice, "I can't go home, sal." Travis put his head in his shakey hands. I noticed the purity ring he always wore was gone, leaving a subtle tan line. He took in shaky breaths between cursing himself for crying.

I think that might of been the 1st time I had ever heard Travis Phelps use my 1st name.

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