It would take years, but I had faith that by the time he was an adult Sora would become well-adjusted and live a happy and healthy life doing whatever he wanted.

Orihime was not quiet.

The abuse had ended early enough that it was hard to say if she would even retain memories of her parents. She was malnourished like her brother, but the physical abuse was not as extensive. I decided against therapy for now, as putting her in therapy that early could result in making her focus on the trauma rather than letting it go.

As a toddler, she was talkative, and she loved it when I held her. On our first day together as a family, I carried her into the house with Sora right at my heels. I showed them the living room, the kitchen, the downstairs guest room, the dining room, and then upstairs we went for the bedrooms.

"This... this is my room?" Sora whispered, staring in disbelief at his well-stocked room. Not really knowing what boys in his generation would want, I hired a decorator with the only focus to Spoil the inner child.

He had a loft bed with rails, a desk and computer underneath it, a couple of small bean bag chairs stationed in front of a TV with game consoles hooked up. A library of video games next to it, two toy boxes filled with toys, and the room was nearly covered with inspirational, sports, and shōnen anime posters.

'DBZ is in every modern world,' I thought, staring at the familiar faces. 'Ahhh... fun times.'

I readjusted my hold on Orihime to gently place a hand on his head. I ignored the subtle flinch in his shoulders. "Yes. All for you. Tomorrow we'll all go clothes shopping, so I'm afraid you'll have to bear with what you have for now."

"This is too much," he said, his voice quivering. "Me? Really? Me?"

There was skepticism, disbelief, and a tiny little shred of hope in his eyes as he looked back up at me.

I smiled as kindly as I could. "Yes, you. All for you. Go ahead and check everything out. I'll get started on dinner."

I excused myself, quietly shutting the door.

For his sake, I pretended not to hear the soft cries of the tiny little boy.


I was not tied to the physical realm. I could be in the Then or Later at any point. Time was irrelevant to those who lived as spirits.

I would spend a couple of months in the World of the Living before returning to the Then on in the Soul Society, exactly one minute after my departure to the human realm.

So long as I obeyed the laws of time, and did not abuse that power, I was allowed this small adjustment. Which made things 100% easier, otherwise I would have had to retire early from the Soul Society to raise Orihime.

Or worse, take a sabbatical.

Imagine that bloodshed. Rukia had learned how to handle her teammates pretty well, but I didn't think she'd be able to completely stop Kura and Snuggles if they were bored enough to try and start a war.


"Welcome back, Captain!" Rukia greeted me with enthusiasm, a grin on her face. "Were you able to complete your errand?"

"Yes, I was," I said, glancing over at the clock. I had aimed to only have a minute worth of difference, but instead, I ended up an hour off. It had been a while since I last transitioned through time, so a margin of error was excusable. At least it was the same day. I brushed back my hair. "Do I smell a delicious freshly baked pastry?"

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