5. Is There Something You Have To Tell Me?

Start from the beginning

I often find myself cuddling his pillow because it has the same familiar smell. His smell. 

"How have you been?" He whispers to me. "I'm sorry that I had to leave so suddenly. It was out of my control."

"I've been okay. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"How long will you be back for?" I ask, looking up at him into his deep green eyes that look tired despite him saying he got sleep on the plane. 

Harry lets out a gentle sigh and I feel his hot breath hit my forehead as he takes a moment to think of his response. An ill feeling in the pit of my stomach tells me that he is delaying his response because it is one that I won't like to hear. 

"A week."

I let go of him remove his hands from around me. "How long will you be gone for?" I take a step away from him before bending down and picking up Sydney. I place her on my hip while my eyes remain on Harry. 

"I don't know. A week or so."

My head diverts downwards at the floor in disappointment. Harry places his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Hailey. I can't-"

"Can't help it. Yeah, I've heard it all before. I get it, you want to work. Whatever."

I turn around and start walking back upstairs. 

"Where are you going? You're mad at me now, aren't you? Fuck, I've just walked through the door and you are already in a mood."

"To get ready for dinner." I say in response. "I'm upset Harry, but if I only have a week with you, then I can't spend it being mad at you. We have to make the most of it while we can."

"There's also one more thing I have to ask."

I stop walking when I reach the 8th step and I glance down at him. "Yes?"

"Is there something you have to tell me?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Tell you what?"

He places his hand on his stomach, trying to hold a straight face but fails to do so and ends up in a fit of laughter. "Apparently you recently became pregnant again with baby number three. But that's not possible - well, it's not possible to be mine because we haven't had sex in over four months. You'd be well into your second trimester by now."

"So you're counting how many months its been now, huh?"

He remains silent.

"Well guess what, the baby's not yours. It's fucking Donald Trumps."

"Even Trump can get some action and I can't. Jeez, I really am on the outer."

"You know what Harry. Maybe we should just skip dinner. I don't feel like going out tonight. Stir fry is in the slow cooker when you want it. Dish out London's too. You need to spend time with your daughter before you leave her again."

"Come on now, that's not fair."

"Don't get me started on what's not fair Harry."


The following morning I wake up to how I wake up most mornings. With Sydney beside me in bed. Sydney, not Harry. I don't know where he slept but he didn't come in last night. We haven't spoken since our argument when he first came home. I wouldn't even call that an argument. It was just a stupid conversation that turned sour. 

I try my best not to be upset at him, but I can't help it. Harry wanted to have a family and I expected him to be here for us completely. It was supposed to be family first and work second. Now it is starting to feel like the old days when work always came first. 

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