"What are you going on about?" I ask, not having a clue what my brother is going on about. Behind Jude, Logan comes down the stairs, laughing.

"He's talking about Overprotective Brother Radar. It common in brothers who are protective of their siblings, and can sense when something is wrong, even when you haven't said anything."

"Well I can assure you nothing is wrong," I say, and start to go up the stairs. I figuring it's probably time I get out of their presence before I tell them everything.

"Ding, ding, ding. Oh look, I think our O.B. R is going off." Jude holds up his index finger, looking at Logan. Logan nods, smirking my way. I close my eyes, wishing I had stayed in bed.

"We can also tell when your lying or when something is upsetting you." Logan informs, nodding. I raise my eyebrows. "Your forehead creases when you are upset about something...like it is now."

"Which you should really stop doing or your going to have wrinkles by the time your twenty," Jude says, grinning.

I glare at him.

"Well, nothing is wrong," I mutter, going up the steps to my room. I pass Quinn on the way who doesn't say anything.

"You know you can always come to us, and tell us anything!" Logan shouts up the stairs but I ignore him. Logan, being a student in counselling and having a minor in psychology isn't always the best person to be around. He's really observant and can read a person really good. So when I'm upset, he usually notices right away and I don't like being around him much.

When Tyler died, he even tried to help me. After a while, I got irritated that he was always analyzing me so I told him to stop. We had an argument, saying I needed professional help. It was a blown to the face, but our parents believed what he said and that's when I first went to the therapist.

When I get to my room, I close my door and lay on my bed. Today is Sunday, which means there's school tomorrow. I really don't want to go, but unless I'm sick or dying my Mom will force me to. 'Education is very important' she would say, 'you won't get anywhere in life without one.'

The truth is, I don't want to go because I will have to face Austin. I could avoid him, but that is kind of hard to do when we have a class together, and oh yeah, he's also my brothers best friend.

How cliche is that? How cliche is it be for me to fall in love with my brothers best friend? Maybe love is a powerful word, maybe I don't love him, just like. Yes, like. I mean how could I possibly love someone if they don't even feel the same way?

Stop thinking about it! I need to forget it.

I sit up in my bed and reach under my bed, pulling out my running shoes and slip them on. Pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind, I go to my closet and pull on a sweater to wear.

There isn't any use sitting around so I might as well do something. Downstairs, all of my brothers have seemed to gather together and are sitting around the television, watching some car show. They look up when they hear me.

"Where are you going?"

"For a run. I'll be back sometime." I don't wait for their response, so they can't interrogate me on where I'm going. I don't even know where I'm going.

Outside, it's sunny but chilly. The wind is starting to pick up and the leafs are starting to change color as Fall begins to arrive. Once I'm on the sidewalk, I start to run. Running makes me feel free, as if nothing can stop me. I pass our neighbors and wave, then turn down a dirt road, in the opposite direction of any main roads. On both sides of the road, there are trees and bushes, close enough to whip me in the face if I'm not careful enough. If I stop and listen, I can hear a stream flowing through the woods.

In minutes, I'm standing at the Red Cove Falls, a place I rarely come. I'm standing at the top of a small water fall, looking over a giant river. The sound of the water is soothing and relaxing and brings me pure bliss.

The sides of the river are rocky, which make ideal place where I can sit and enjoy the beautiful view. Other than the cliff, this is where I come to have my quiet time. There is never any quiet time at home, so sometimes, I need to get out and away from the my noisy obnoxious brothers.

After about an hour of just sitting on the rocks, my cell phone rings. I take it out of my pocket and see that the caller ID is my brother, Owen.

"Hello?" I answer and hear yelling in the back ground. Owen tells them to shut up but nobody listens.

"Where are you at? We've been trying to get a hold of you for over half an hour!" Owen says, his voice raised, sounding a little worried.

"I've been at the Falls, why whats going on?"

"Mom and Dad aren't coming back until late, so we are ordering supper. What do you want?" Owen asks, having to yell over the rest of my brothers.

"Barbeque Chicken pizza! And don't forget the extra hot peppers." I say and pick myself up off off of the rock I had become comfy on.

"Alright. We are going to order it when you get home, so you better hurry up." Then he hangs up. Well then. I get all my stuff together and start to run back home, having enjoying time to myself.

"You finally made it! Great, well we already ordered, and Owen and Ben went to get it." Jude says once I walk in the door.

"I figured you guys wouldn't have waited for me." I laugh and take off my shoes, putting them on the rack in the mud room. Inside, Joey has gotten out some of his Lego's. I love playing with those little blocks, so I instantly go over to my little brother and join him.

"Hi Sissy. Are you going to play with me?" Joey ask, grinning up at me when he sees me sit down beside him.

"I sure am, little man," I say, smiling. I pick up a few blocks and

"Hey that rhymed!" Joey chirps, "let's make a rhyme. I'll start." Joey drops his blocks and put his head in his hands thinking hard. This is our favorite game to play, especially in the car.

"These are blocks called Lego, that one there is the color of my red bed." I smile at Joey, who nods his head as he spoke the words.

"And this my good fellow, is yellow. All this rhyming is making me hungry, I want some jello." I rap my part and Joey grins. I feel our brothers come up behind us as they silently watch and listen. It takes a few second for Joey to think.

"Too late, pizza is coming soon. Guess you have to wait or you'll be a balloon!" Joey claps his hands to the rhythm and I know he's getting into it.

"Ah, little man. I'm starving. Give me some food. My stomach is going funky and I get angry when I'm hungry." Behind me, someone starts tapping the table like a drum and snapping their fingers.

"When I'm hungry," Jude, Logan, and Aidan burst into singing. "When I'm hungry." They go even louder and stay in tune. "When I'm hungry." When they finish, we all bust into laughter.

"Joey, where did you learn to rhyme like that?" Jude wonders, clearly impressed. Joey stands up and shrugs.

"Tyler taught me." It kind of hits me like a ton of bricks when my brother mentions Tyler. Not that I'm upset by it, but it reminds me when Tyler rapped. And he was really amazing at it too.

"Wow, Joe. Your really good. Think you'll rap Bella a song?" Logan teases his five year old brother. Joey's cheeks reddened and he stomps on Logan's toe, making him bend over in pain.

"Serves you right," I say, laughing.

Before Logan can retaliate, Owen and Ben come through the door, armed with food. My stomach rumbles loudly, enough for Jude to give me a weird look. I shrug and go over to the kitchen table.

"I'm starving."


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