Diamond is Unbreakable 16

Start from the beginning

Chuckling you closed the volume, putting it on the small table, heading to the kitchen, grabbing the phone.

"Hello Jotaro, do you and Joseph want to join me for a sandwhich? I bought some at the Saint Gentleman's bakery. Should I come over to the hotel?"

Let's go hunting!

It was early afternoon while you and Jotaro were walking back from the hotel, strolling down the road in search for the young Higashikata in awkward silence. Just a few moments earlier Jotaro had received the call from his wife, both of them were discussing the matters of their divorce while you sat there in the background, soothing a crying baby girl, hearing every word, biting your lip as Joseph himself was having a nap on the luxurious soft couch.

"Y/N, you alright?" Jotaro spoke up, facing forward snapping you out of your thoughts as you flashed him a lazy smirk, rolling your eyes.

"I should be the one asking you that." You sighed, shoving your hands in your coat's pocket, golden eyes staring at the sky tiredly as Jotaro looked at you briefly pausing.

"You know it is for the best, Y/N. You know this better than I do." He grumbled, tipping his hat. "Nothing good would come out with them being involved with me." He grumbled under his breath.

"Then what about me? Do you think that I would be any better?" You asked calmly. "Honestly I believe I am a pretty bad influence, you know. .... I am even deeper entangled in this mess than you and I am not cutting ties with hem." You began to get more and more worked up as Jotaro stopped dead in his tracks.

"Stop saying that Y/N. Jolyne likes you way more than me anyway." He spat out. "Do not think I do not know how obsessed you are with the idea of me staying with the. Why don't you start begging me for it! You are the only one questioning the divorce! My wife agrees with me! There was no passionate love to begin with. I am doing my only job I have to do, I am keeping them safe! I am keeping my daughter safe!"

Standing there you stared at him in disbelief as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"I know why you did it; I am just saying that it does not make any sense. Joylne cares about y-"

"She does not!" He gritted out, shutting you up as you took a deep breath.

"You are stubborn.... So when you regret putting them in danger and are now cutting off ties with them, why did you marry in the first place?" You questioned calmly. "I mean I respect your decision, I just do not want you to regret it in the end. You care for Jolyne a lot, despite not actually voicing it.... At least I believe o-"

"Y/N...." He turned to you.... What if I told you that my affection had always belonged to someone else than my wife and I was just trying to fill up something in myself.... What will you say?" He asked, a dark shadow casting over his eyes as he caught you a bit off guard.

"You must be joking." You chuckled. "Since when?" you asked turning away from him as he started at you back longingly.

"Since I realized that my wife was not the one for me..... but it probably goes back to my teenage years." He revealed, walking after you after a moment of hesitation.

"Does she know?" You questioned not facing him as you pushed your hair back ,shielding your eyes from the sun, letting the soft breeze ruffle up your short hair...

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