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Disclaimers and others:
I do not own any part of Harry Potter. I simply love the books and have decieded to make a fanfiction about it. If anything need editing please tell me, and just have fun reading!

The man ran along the street, gasping as he went. Scars lined the man's face, and as he ran his breathes grew sharper.

Tear stains evident on his face, the man kept going, ignoring the strange looks he was being given by people, but what does it matter, they are only muggles. What can they do?

The man slowed as he reached his journey's end, a small pub named the Hogshead. As he entered, he expected silence but was shocked to find the bar in a state of joy.

No one noticed the sorrow on the man's face, except one person. A certain man called Albus Dumbledore.

"Remus," Dumbledore shouted above the noise.

The man, who we now know as Remus, headed towards Albus, who motioned for him to sit.

"Albus, what are we to do?" Remus asked. "James and Lily are dead. Harry is going to the Dursleys. Alice is in St Mungos. I can't look after her. And well.......... the other doesn't even know that she exists yet."

Albus smiled sadly at Remus. "I have a plan, my friend. But you may not like it."

Remus looked wearily at the old man. "No matter what I say, we are going to have to do this plan, aren't we?"

Albus nodded. Remus sighed, then nodded at Albus, signalling him to go on. "As you know, no one knows that she exists, no one was meant to know about Harry but........"

"But Sirius got drunk and told everyone in the bar, including a Daily Prophet reporter, I remember," Remus stated, smiling sadly.

"Exactly, but this puts her in even more danger. If one of Voldemorts surporters found out, they would kill her, or use her to get to others. Not only this, she is also very special, as you know. She will be one of the most powerful witches in existence and Voldemort will want to use her."

Remus sat up straighter. "Then what can we do, there must be something."

"We give her to a wizarding couple, people that know nothing about Lily and James. We use a spell to make her forget having these powers and forget her past. This spell will make it, so when she hears a certain set of words, she will be reminded. She will remember only when the time is right."

Remus stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. Finally, he looked up, tears sparkling in his eyes, as he said, "When do we start?"

Albus smiled and stood up slowly. Placing his hand on Remus' shoulder, he said the three words that Remus would remember for the rest of his life.

" Spes atque pax"

A Hogwarts Legend: The First Step [1] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now