twenty three*

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"sidddharthhhh" avneet called out of boredom "babeeeee" she cried again when she got no answer.

"baby, i told you, i was gonna shower, didn't i?" siddharth came pouting. avneet looked up to see his soaked wet hair and only a white towel wrapped around his waist, indication that he has rushed out of his shower. to make things worse he came up to her and knelt down right in front of her. he was totally taking the advantage of them being alone in the house.

"cant my baby stay patient for even a couple minutes?" he looked up at her, "im bored" she says pouting, knowing that he loved it. a smile spreads across his face.

"oh is it?" he asks smiling, avneet nods biting her lip. "tell me how can i entertain my little princess" he mumbled, leaning to kiss her gently.

"cuddle me" avneet held out her hands. he laughs shaking his head and tackled avneet into a bear hug falling onto the bed together.

"and what more do i do, your highness?" he grins lying on top of her as the movie played in the background, being completely ignored for the moment. avneet brushed a hand through his wet hair, "and just stay here" she smiles.

"like this?" he asks looking arching his brow at his bare torso.

"well, the view isnt too bad" she smiled. he chuckled pulling her up to cuddle her properly. he made her sit in his lap and planted a kiss on her neck as the two of them turned their attention to the movie.

he picked up the glass of coke, ice cubes floating in it, from the table as she munched the popcorn her caring boyfriend had rushed to make before putting the movie on.

"pfft, thats so corny" siddharth snickers at the line the guy in the movie just said. "hey" she snapped back,"what you think im gonna be all 'oh that was so cuteeee' just because he's your celebrity crush? i am your boyfriend talking to you" he snaps back.

"oh yeah?" avneet picks up an ice cube from his glass and threw it at his bare torso, making him hiss as it slid down his body. she turned back her attention back to the movie.

avneet feels his arm tighten around her, she leaned back more into his touch as a reflex. within a few seconds his lips where being pressed to her cheek. and to her jawline, down the column of her neck, to her collarbones. she closed her eyes enjoying the satin like feeling of his lips to the fullest.

his fingers came up to pull away the neck of her t-shirt to expose her shoulder before he pressed down his lips, moving them back up to her neck and to her earlobe which he gently took between his lips, sucking ever so slightly before nibbling on it, which he knew that it was making her breathing falter

"siddharth" she spoke breathlessly when he pulled her closer to him, never once stopping his lips. her hand came up to touch his face, "fuck" she breathed out when he bit the skin near her jawline.

his hands soon took the popcorn bowl away from her hands, setting it on the table alongside his coke. before his hands came up to tightly grip his shoulders as he continued torturing her skin with his sinful mouth before sliding them down to the curve of her waist and then up to her breasts which he gently started caressing.

she let out a shaky breath "oh lord" and it encouraged his touch to go from gentle caresses to roughly kneading her breasts. she felt his growing manhood under her as she instinctively began to grind back against him, her core tingling.

she didn't realize his intention till she felt a cold sensation on his skin on her neck, "what" she turned around to face him. "this is my revenge baby" she saw the corner of his lips curve up in a smirk.

he took the ice cube between his teeth, his hands holding hers together tightly as he bent down to rub the ice on her skin. she hissed just like he hand when she threw the ice at him. she squirmed on his lap, unable to do anything from the tight grip his hands had around her.

epiphany ✓ | sidneetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ