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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

     How well everything was going. Why does it always have to have an unhappy ending? While trembling under the insane rain, I was holding the lifeless body of the man I loved in my arms, watching his cold soul disappear from his body, which was about to give his last breath. After those bloody tears flowing from my eyes to my cheeks, I was begging him not to leave me. My screams were not heard by anyone, I could not put anyone back in the place of the gone. After one, two, three minutes, which I don't know exactly, his whole body turned into ashes and mixed with the rain, like the arms that I wrapped with my hands. My eyes, red from crying, were fixed on the ashes of the man whose warmth I felt only half an hour ago and who shouted his love for me. If the betrayal came from the person one thought was closest, it would be just as difficult to digest. "I shouldn't have trusted him, I shouldn't have trusted him..." I whispered. The taste of blood seeping from between my teeth, which was on my lips, was sticking to my palate. I was shaking, but not because I was cold, I couldn't be cold. Until a few years ago, I didn't even realize that I could have such feelings. What was love? I thought that the day my human body was completely destroyed and replaced by this monster, I would never experience that feeling again.

     How could he betray me?

     How does he do this to me?

     I swear, I will take my revenge and come to you. We couldn't keep our promises to each other in this world, but if God brings us together again despite all our sins, then I will hug you tight and tell you how every day without you hurts me.

     While the rain was sweeping you from my hands, I could only watch you go with these blind eyes...

     I was sitting in the archive room of the orphanage where they left me when I was a newborn baby, continuing to look for traces of my family. I used to do this every day, but over the years, these searches have become one day a week. I guess I'll never find out why they left me in a swaddle in front of people with a heart as cold as this ice cube. While the White Orchid orchid wasn't the worst thing that had ever happened to me, the lack of family was the worst for me. Every Tuesday, people with beautiful clothes would come to the orphanage and bring beautiful gifts to the children. After spending time with our friends for a while, they would go to the principal's room and then take the child they had decided to raise and leave.

     "Mina! Why are you sitting in the corner like that again? Look, a new family has arrived, go to them and make yourself loved. Who knows? Maybe they'll take you away." Mrs.Kezban, the orphanage attendant, was intent on getting rid of me.For some reason I don't know why, they excluded me and even made excuses not to see eye to eye. The other children in the orphanage did not play with me because they were afraid of their reactions, they were afraid that they would accidentally say something. Today I wore the only dress I have in my closet. I had a feeling today would be different. I squirmed left and right on the chair in the waiting room. I was interlacing my fingers and gathering the ends of my ponytail hair over my lips, puffing my lips. When I looked at my reflection in the glass, I looked just like a man with a mustache, and it was funny to me. I turned my gaze towards Mrs. Kezban, who did not leave my head and knew that she would not leave without an answer from me. I sighed deeply; "Okay, but they won't take me anyway, just so you know." I said. My name is Mina, Mina Ozlen. I just turned ten last week on a day when no one celebrated, gave gifts, or gave a hug and a nice word. I was used to this, now I didn't expect anything from anyone, but my dream of being in a warm home never left my mind. I always envied the children who left here holding the hands of new families and wanted to be in their place. Who knows? Maybe today will be a different day as Kezban said...

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