Lizzie's P.O.V.
    It was late and I couldn't sleep. My sister was taken by that mud man after all. I decided to take a walk outside so I headed down stairs. When I got to the door, I noticed Kol laying on the floor. Did he fall asleep here? I bend down to check and he is out cold. I rush to where I knew one of Hope's aunts' rooms were and banged on the door. It didn't take long before Keelin opened the door. "What the hell Lizzie? It's late!" She said and I looked past her to see Freya sitting in bed, wondering what was going on. "I know and I'm sorry but I thought someone would like to know that Kol is out cold in front of the front door." That made Freya get up. "What do you mean?" "Well maybe he just fell asleep but I honestly don't think so because he doesn't look like he's just asleep." They both came out and we went to where Kol was knocked out.

    Freya checked his body and looked up at us. "Someone's snapped his neck. Keelin, could you both go get the others?" Both Keelin and I nodded. I went to Rebekah and Marcel's room, while Keelin went to get Davina. After I told them what had happened, they ran to where Kol was and I ran to Hope's room to get her. I bang on the door but no answer. That's strange. By now, she would've yelled at me or opened the door, pissed off that I was yelling, especially this late. "Hope?" I asked as I opened her door. Once I could see inside, I saw nothing. No Hope. No signs of her being in here recently. My eyes glanced around the room and landed on her pillow. There was a piece of paper. I quickly grabbed it and rushed back down stairs. "Hope's gone but I found this on her bed." I said and handed the note to Rebekah. She opened the letter and read it to herself. "Hope went to save Josie. Apparently Malivore contacted her and told her to meet him alone and he would take her to Josie. Damn it Hope! Why the hell would she not say anything?!" "Because she knew we would try to stop her or follow her." Freya said and looked at the note. "Is this supposed to be her way of saying goodbye or something?" I asked, looking at the note with Freya. "It better not be. She better come back, with Josie. Alive." Marcel said. I could tell everyone was getting mad but worried all at the same time. "She must've been the one who snapped Kol's neck. He probably tried to stop her from leaving the house since it would be dangerous for her." Davina said as she stayed next to Kol and held him in her arms. "We have to figure out where she went and stop her before it's too late!" I said, knowing that Hope would do anything to save Josie, even if it meant her own life. "But if she's where Josie is already, then we won't be able to track her." Freya said. She was right. We couldn't track Josie so that meant we couldn't track Hope either if she was with Josie. "I'll go get everyone else and maybe we can figure something out." I walk past Davina and Kol and head outside to the RV. I bang on the door as loud as I could and that eventually got someone to open the door. "Lizzie? The others are trying to sleep, what's going on?" My father asked as he rubbed his eyes. I could tell he was tired but he probably hasn't been able to sleep because of Josie. I know because I was the same. "We need everyone to come in and start thinking. Malivore left Hope a note and told her where to find Josie. We have to find them before it's too late." I said quickly and his eyes widened. He knew what I meant by 'before it's too late'. "I'll get everyone and we will head inside." I nodded and headed back into the house.

    Once everyone was together, we started brainstorming on how we could figure out where Hope went. Kol was still out cold so Marcel took him to bed so he'd be more comfortable until he woke up. After a bit of trying things and it not working, Rebekah's face brightened up. "I can't believe I didn't think of this before!" We all looked at her, curious on what she came up with. "Freya, remember that necklace I gave Hope?" "You mean the Mikaelson one, she always wears?" I jump in, asking if that's the necklace she meant. "Yes! I was always worried about my little niece so for a precaution, I made the necklace able to track her." "Well what are we waiting for, let's try it!" My dad spoke up. I really hope this works.

    Freya and Rebekah focused on tracking Hope through her necklace. We waited patiently and eventually they found something. "We have good news and bad news." Freya spoke up. "Bad news, Malivore's magic that kept us from finding Josie must be effecting Hope's necklace, because we can't find her exact location." "Okay, well what's the good news?" I asked, getting a bit impatient. This was my sister and Hope we were talking about. We have to find them before something awful happens. "Good news is that we are able track where Hope was last, before she walked into Malivore's magic." "So if we go there and search, we should be able to find them." My dad spoke up and Freya nodded her head. "Then let's go!" I said and stood up. We all headed out the door and followed Hope's trail. Please let us find them before it's too late.

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