Chapter 6

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Everyone sat there in silence. But then the thing on her ankle started to blink, then sent a video screen with Vlad on it.

"Hello everyone, you must have found out the news! We are thinking that the child will come in the next few days. Tonight was a trial run but that child will be ours! Isn't that right, Fright Knight?" Vlad says.

"Right," he said in the background.

"The legend says that the child will be trained by 2 ghosts to become the King of darkness, so that's what will do and there's nothing you can do to stop us. Bye bye now." Vlad said as the video went off and the bracelet came off.

"I love to talk more about this but I don't think this cut was nothing." Dani says.

"...yea, Jazz can you get the first-aid kit please." Sam said, looking at the cut on Dani's side.

As she examined it, finding the tender spots she said.

"It doesn't need stitches but you won't be able to fight like tonight for a while, just to make sure it doesn't tear more." Sam said, patching it up.

"How do you know? Did you take classes to be a nurse?" Dani asks.

"Yes I did, I knew it would come in handy with the ghost fighting and everything. But I've also had experience when Danny got hurt in battles, which happened quite often." Sam answered.

"Well thank goodness for that!" Dani laughed.

"Ok, so maybe take it light for the first couple of days, then you can start doing a little more each day. We also need to change this wrap everyday." Sam said, standing up and walking into the kitchen.

"Does anyone want something? I'm gonna make tacos." Sam smiled trying to change the subject.

Everyone else wasn't smiling, then Danny walked up to Sam and sat her down on one of the stools.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Danny asks.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Sam replied.

Then Maddie got up and walked with Sam outside with the rest of the girls. The boys just sat there in silence then began talking. As the girls sat down in the couches they began to chat.

"Sam, what's going on? We're all family here, you can tell us anything." Maddie said.

Sam teared up.

"I... am a nervous wreck, I was supposed to have 9 months to prepare, learn everything about being a mom. Now I have a few days, and on top of that, Vlad is going to take the child and is going to become the king of darkness." Sam cried.

Everyone surrounded her and gave her a hug.

While inside with the boys:

"I wonder what the girls are talking about?" Danny asks.

"I have no clue man, if there is one thing I know is to not mess with girls while they're talking. I mean you could, but I wouldn't" Tucker said.

"I feel bad for Sam. She was supposed to have more time but she has days and now y'all's child is going to be the King of darkness. That's a lot to take in all in one day." Dash said.

" I know, I have no idea what the first thing about parenting is though, and I'll admit it,I'm scared." Danny admitted.

"I was the same way when Jazz came along, I had no idea what to expect, but as the day went on it was easier. There is no right or wrong answer to parenting, you just gotta do what you think is right." Jack said.

"Thanks dad." Danny replied.

"You know when I first had jazz..." Maddie started.

"My mother didn't have much advice but she did have one thing that still stands to be's that parents aren't perfect at first. There is no right or wrong answer to doing something, it's about what you think is best, and doing your best is the #1 parenting rule." Then everyone started to cry.

"Aww thanks, Maddie. But I won't even get to do all that with the baby, Vlad and the Fright Knight are going to try and take them away." Sam cried more.

"They won't. As long as everyone is by your side when the baby comes, they won't stand a chance. We all will protect the baby with our lives no matter what" Dani said.

"Maybe we can get some ghost help too." Valerie said.

"Trust us, everything is going to be fine." Jazz said. 

"Aww, thanks you guys. Stupid pregnancy is making me so emotional." Sam laughed.

As the girls walked inside everyone sat down and chatted more, then went to bed.

Meanwhile at the factory:

"I can't believe you... you traitor!" Vlad yelled, fighting Skulker.

"No, you two went with a plan that I didn't agree with!" Skulker yelled.

Fright Knight was just sitting down and sighed.

"Will you two stop it already, we just have to wait until the baby comes. That won't be too long." Fright Knight said.

"Fine. But Danny and Sam should've had 9 months to prepare like normal instead of a week...not even a week!" Skulker said.

"You've gone soft. Lock him up in the cell." Fright Knight said as Vlad put skulker into the cell.

"The child is a threat to my throne! I'm not going to let a child take that from me" Vlad answered.

"Your throne, It will be mine! I made the plan." Fright Knight exclaimed.

"Oh trying to take the credit for everything huh? Well guess what in the bracelet I put on Samantha's ankle, with one push of a button the baby can come." Vlad said, showing the button. Proudly.

"No, don't you want to wait until tomorrow when more people can help us take the child. For them to be the decoy?" Skulker suggested.

"You know, that could work. But seriously, whose side are you on?" Vlad asked.

"This side, 100%." Skulker said, crossing his fingers behind his back.

"Ok, then we wait until tomorrow to arrive there." Fright Knight said.

"Then it's settled. See ya tomorrow." Vlad said, flying back to Dani's house.

Then he sees Sam sitting on a stool with a cup of tea near the island.

"Can't sleep?" Vlad asks.

As he said those words she turned around to see Vlad in his ghost form standing behind her.

"What are you doing here? And yes I can't sleep." Sam said, turning back around.

"Look, I know you probably don't like me right now but you will tomorrow." Vlad smiled.

"What do you mean tomorrow? Vlad...what's happening tomorrow!" Sam said concerned.

"Let's just say your due date is coming up soon because of a little device me and Fright Knight call...well we don't have a name for it yet but still." Vlad laughed and fazed out of the house.

Then Sam ran into her and Danny's room to wake him up. 

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