Chapter 3

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Jazz places down the specter speeder she then turns it to it's normal size, maybe even a little bit bigger to fit everyone. Then everyone gets into the specter speeder, and Danny starts driving it to the nearest open portal.

"Okay, Danny over on your left the nasty burger sign will have a portal right—now! Go!" Dani yells pointing to the nasty burger sign. As Danny makes a sharp turn left, they enter the ghost zone and head to the clock tower.

"Alright everyone we're here! If you want to come in you can but you can stay in here also, just make sure you watch your step." Danny helped Jazz, and Tucker out while Valerie used her ghost gear to float around and everyone else stayed in the specter speeder.

"Ok everyone follow me and Dani, we've been here many times." Danny said flying up the stairs carrying Jazz up and everyone else on Valerie's Gadget.

As Clockwork turns around seeing everyone he says-

"Ah Danny,Tucker and Dannielle what a pleasant surprise, well not a surprise but I know why you're here." He floats over to the mirror/portal.

"How does he know why we're here?" Valerie asks.

"Oh sorry guys, this is the amazing clockwork I was telling you about." Danny said.

"Hello, you must be Valerie and Jazz. I've heard a lot about you both." Clockwork starts.

"So before you guys got here I was checking up on you guys to see that everything was in order, by the way congrats." Clockwork says.

"Thanks, so do you know where Sam is? We got a note from the Fright Knight and it said to meet him at the mattress factory, is she there and is she ok?" Danny asked with concern.

"That's a lot of questions so I'll tell you what I know." clockwork starts while showing Sam on the mirror portal.

       "Put me down, Fright Knight." Sam said, trying to get out of his grasp.

"We're almost to the mattress factory, there is a big surprise for you there." Fright Knight laughed.

As they landed inside the factory, there were 3 chairs and a cage full of random ghosts. The cage full of ghosts can only mean one ghost...Skulker.

"I got the bait." Fright Knight said to Skulker as he appeared into the light.

"Oh great, I'm the bait. Hey skulker, how's it going? How's the wife?" Sam asked.

"Ember's doing great, and it's going great since we now have something against phantom. But how are you doing, and Ember couldn't make it until later like the rest of the ghosts but she says hi." Skulker said with a weird smile.

"Well me and Danny just found out I am pregnant, thanks for asking...wait what do you mean against Phantom?" Sam asked.

"Great Skulker, this is what you get for talking to her." Fright Knight said, setting Sam down in a chair.

"Ease up Fright Knight, it's not like anyone can hear your plan, and it's not like I can get out of this thing." Sam tried to move, but couldn't.

"Point we just have to wait for the showdown tomorrow at 6." Fright Knight laughed.

"You mean you captured me a day before the battle, that makes no sense. Can at least one ghost come here that is worth talking to then?" Sam asked.

"Offensive, it's supposed to drive Danny crazy and eventually they had a thought for something but I don't think they're considering it any more. Back on topic, I guess we can arrange for someone to come here tonight. Kitty is busy with her little boy so not her, Spectra is on vacation until tomorrow, what about Ember or Dora?" Skulker asks.

"Aw Kitty has a little boy! Tell her I want to meet him. Dora, we've been keeping in touch these past few weeks actually." Sam said.

"Dora it is, and I will tell Kitty" Skulker says, calling her.

 "There she is in the mattress factory and is ok, you can relax Danny." Dani said, giving Danny a big hug.

"Will get her back. We all promise, right guys?" Dani asked.

"Right!" Everyone said.

"Ok, Clockwork will you keep me updated?" Danny asked.

"I will, now you all need to head home it's late and in 30 minutes Walker's guards will be patrolling like usual so go, and don't go to the mattress factory tonight,trust me on this it won't end well." Clockwork says waving goodbye.

As we all get back into the specter speeder, we head on back to Dani's house.

As the parents went to bed, the rest of us stayed up chatting trying to clear their minds.

"Jazz, I have never heard someone talk about their ghost hunting equipment ever in my life." Dash said, exhausted.

"Oh I'm sorry, I lived with them for 18 years and you were with them for 30 minutes, so I don't think it was that bad." Jazz said, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Haha you get used to it Dash, I learned that the hard way, when I joined this family they could not stop talking about all of their adventures and gadgets." Dani laughed.

"Oh yea, when I stopped hunting Danny and joined the team, they wanted to know about all of my gadgets in a very detailed explanation." Valerie said.

"Danny you ok?" Dani asked, giving him a side hug.

"I'm fine, I'm just worried about Sam. Nothing has ever happened like this, and it just worries me and I just don't want her to go through this again. Just like with the "wedding" to Aragon but different" Danny said, leaning into Dani's hug.

"We all do Danny but remember what Clockwork said about going tonight." Jazz said.

"I know, I know but still." Danny replied

"Maybe you should get some rest to get your mind off it." Dani suggested.

"Yea dude, you should. That way you'll have enough energy to kick Fright Knight's butt." Tucker suggested.

Then everyone headed to bed.

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